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Updated by Autism Parenting Magazine on Oct 17, 2017
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Regressive Autism Guide

Has your talkative, engaged, and very energetic child suddenly become quiet and uninterested? Does your child exhibit new, unusual habits? If you answered yes, then, he/she may have what's called regressive autism. Based on data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in every 68 children in the US has autism, including regressive autism.

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Regressive Autism – Why It Occurs - Autism Parenting Magazine

Has your talkative, engaged, and very energetic child suddenly become quiet and uninterested? Does your child exhibit new, unusual habits? If you answered yes, then, he/she may have what’s called regressive autism.

Psychology on the autism spectrum | Listly List

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Signs of Autism

Because Autism is a spectrum disorder, it can range from very mild to very severe and occur in all ethnic, socioeconomic and age groups. Males are four times more likely to have autism than females. Some children with autism appear normal before age 1 or 2 and then suddenly “regress” and lose language or social skills they had previously gained. This is called the regressive type of autism.

Autistic Regression, autism regression, autism regression symptoms

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How autism spectrum disorder is diagnosed

How is autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosed? Find out what to expect in our guide to the common tests and measures used in autism diagnosis.

Expert Advice: Bridging the Gap Between Learning and Living - Autism Parenting Magazine

The human story shifts when people resist continuing in a method that is not working for them or their loved ones.  Our current approach to educating individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder is not working.  Only when families of loved ones with autism begin to resist this approach, while identifying a better alternative, will the story will shift.

Low Functioning Autism - What Sets it Apart - Autism Parenting Magazine

Low functioning autism falls on the more severe end of the autism spectrum. Children diagnosed with this form of autism need more support to complete daily tasks as they struggle to communicate and manage their behaviors. Symptoms are typically identifiable in infancy or early childhood, as those diagnosed will not meet neurodevelopmental benchmarks such as speaking their first words, learning to self-soothe, or forming bonds with family members and other children.

Autism Continuing Education Courses | Listly List

Here are some continuing education courses on the subject of autism for mental health professionals! | Helping Children Learn to Listen, Animal Ass...

Signs of Autism in Infants and Children - Autism Parenting Magazine

Early signs of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can be detected in infants, yet many children with autism do not receive a diagnosis until the ages of two or three. While not every autistic baby is able to be diagnosed as an infant, there are many benefits to receiving a diagnosis before reaching preschool age. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) an autism diagnosis can be appropriately given at the age of 18 months or even sooner for some babies. Doctors will typically do a screening for autism spectrum disorders at the 9 month, 18 month, 2-year, and 3-year wellness checkups. The earlier an infant is diagnosed with autism, the sooner interventions can begin and the best resources can be identified.