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Updated by Abhishek Shah on Mar 17, 2013
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Abhishek Shah

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Ways To Become A Better Presenter

There’s an old saying, ‘Power corrupts but PowerPoint corrupts absolutely.’ Well, don’t blame the tools, blame the workman. A good presentation can make

The Seven Essential Principles of Leadership

The Seven Essential Principles of Leadership

The Spirit of Friendship

Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend. Happy Friendship Day |

The Invisible Mentor - Stephen Covey

Considered a pioneer in the self-help genre aimed at helping readers become more productive in their lives, author Stephen R. Covey had an enormous impact on bo

Growing a Startup

Insights on building a successful and profitable business

Are you a Sales Fanatic

Here are seven clues that you might be a sales fanatic. Are you one of them? If so, do you possess or display another trait that we have neglected to mention he

Ten "Secrets" I wish someone had told me when I was in College

MOST CAREER ADVICE IS WRONG. Ten "Secrets" I wish someone had told me when I was in College. Do you have something to add?

What Does Freedom Mean To You

For some it will mean graduating from school, finally getting out into the wide world, getting a job and earning money. For some it will mean throwing a bag in

Little Ways to Eliminate Stress and Improve Life

Little ways to reduce stress and bring more calm into your life. Why don't you share your lil idea to eliminate stress and improve life.

Habits For Success

Success. Everyone wants it, but few have it to the degree they would like. What is success? Is it more money, better relationships, emotional well-being, except

Are You Spending Too Much Time On Facebook

Are you worried that you might be addicted to Facebook? Ever wonder if Facebook is sucking up too much of your life? Here are ten signs you might be spending to

Rock Solid Resume Tips

Gone are the days of simply mailing your resume, receiving a call, shaking hands at the interview and agreeing on a start date for that new job. The Internet h

Mediocre to Magnificent

Your mind is a fertile garden that will grow what you plant in it. What seeds have you planted in your mind? Have you planted seeds of cynicism or seeds of succ

Networking Blunders that Cost you Sales

Networking effectively can have a dramatic impact on your sales providing it is done correctly. Avoid these fatal networking mistakes and improve your results.

Sales Lessons for Life

Does life teach us about selling or does selling teach us about life? No doubt, it works both ways. But the business of sales and those who find their careers

Quick and Easy Ways to Make the Absolute Most Out of Every Customer...

In telephone selling reaching a live decision maker is getting tougher and tougher. In fact, over 70% of the time, decision makers are not available for your ca

Fake Work

People routinely spend long hours writing proposals, filling out paperwork, or sitting in meetings at work only to wonder if their hard work has achieved anythi

Sales Lessons Learned The Hard Way

Fourteen lessons new sales managers can learn to make their job a lot easier.

Do you have difficulty saying “NO”?

Saying “No” doesn’t mean you are being rude; neither does it mean you are being disagreeable. Saying “No” doesn’t mean there will be conflict nor th

Ideas for an Excellent Podcast

Doing a good podcast is hard. It takes equipment, production, planning, and good editing. These things take time, effort, money and expertise. Here's part one o