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Updated by Chris M. on Mar 15, 2025
Headline for An ultimate TOP 10 Movie Sequels
Chris M. Chris M.
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An ultimate TOP 10 Movie Sequels

Sequels are hardly ever incredibly original. "Cynical cash-in" is a criticism often raised. But here is a list of 10 sequels of movies that are considered superior to the original.


The Godfather II / 1974

The Godfather II / 1974

The Godfather part one just swept the Oscars and redefined the genre of gangster movies. There are few people capable of improving such an achievement. But Francis Ford Coppola needed only two years after releasing The Godfather I and was back with a story about Michael Corleone's.


Furious Seven / 2015

Furious Seven / 2015

Probably no one thought that the film about racing cars from 2001 will turn into one of the most famous cinema sagas. Especially given that the beginning parts were nothing close to outstanding. But Fast & Furious had "something" that made people love it. And Vin Diesel in the seventh part is in better shape than ever before!


Terminator 2: Judgment Day / 1991

Terminator 2: Judgment Day / 1991

The first Terminator seemed to be more horror than an action movie. The second part is more balanced, yet still builds incredible tension. And the bad guy's is the good guy now! It really blew my socks off and is as good today as it was in 1991.


The Lost World: Jurassic Park / 1997

The Lost World: Jurassic Park / 1997

Over 20 years later, why did not anyone make a better movie with dinosaurs? Because Jurrasic Park I and II were too good! Do you remember Julianne Moore's face as the glass separating her from a thousand foot drop begins to slowly cra-a-ack?!


Toy Story 2 / 1999

Toy Story 2 / 1999

Toy Story part one established Pixar as a brand and turned the game in animation upside down. It was a masterpiece in terms of animation technique, characters design, voice work and humor. In Toy Story II we can see that the technology has taken another step forward but continuation did not lose any of the advantages of the first part.


Aliens / 1986

Aliens / 1986

In Aliens James Cameron showed all his genius in manipulating the tension.You unbearable wait for action and clash, being horribly terrified of what might happen at the same time. Aliens from Cameron is a movie entirely changing the genre. Is it better than its predecessor? Well, it's definitely at least as good as the first part.


Vacation / 2015

Vacation / 2015

A totally underrated continuation of Griswold's family story. Is it different than its predecessors? Definitely yes. Is it worse? Definitely not. It is sharper, more blunt, but above all, it's still just as funny! Ed Helms as Rusty Griswold is just brilliant. And Christina Applegate... still has it!


Blade Runner 2049 / 2017

Blade Runner 2049 / 2017

Some say that "You better not touch classic movies". You can only spoil it and cover yourself with disgrace. But Ridley Scott didn't hear that or just didn't want to listen. And he was damn right! Blade Runner 2049 is brilliant and meets all the great expectations! It retained the unique atmosphere of the original but also took advantage of the possibilities of modern technology. The effect is really excellent.


The Dark Knight / 2008

The Dark Knight / 2008

There have been many films about Batman, but none of them can match A Dark Knight. This part is the middle installment in a successful trilogy but Dark Knight’s success was unparalleled! Adored by critics and audience is nothing like a classic superhero film. It's deeper, darker and more compelling than anything in its genre. And Heath Ledger as a Joker virtually blew all comic book performances ever off the podium!


Shrek II / 2004

Shrek II / 2004

This continuation is often considered to be worse than the original. But! Did you like interplay between Puss and Donkey? Here is even more of it! Shrek and Fiona aren't too entertaining in this part, but it's still a very good movie.