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Updated by Charles Latag on Sep 29, 2017
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10 Things People Should Do to Reach their Dreams

The list will enumerate the top 10 things that a person should do in order to achieve their dreams and goals in life.


They should set goals and follow through on them.

They should set goals and follow through on them.

The first thing a successful person needs to have is a goal (and the more, the merrier). We all seek success, and we know that nothing ever comes easy. In order to achieve the success we spend our lives chasing, we first need to define our goals. Once that is done, it’s time to start thinking about how to accomplish them.
I spent many years of my life seeking success before I realized that success is not a goal one can set for themselves, it is a product of achieving the goal.
Setting clear and measurable goals can help in understanding the steps that lead to the finish line with arms up.


They should be consistent.

They should be consistent.

Being consistent is what is the difference from failure and success. If you cannot keep a consistent level of pushing towards the goal, you will likely fall back to your old habits, and simply give up. Worse yet, this will give you a feeling of not living up to your ideals, and your life purpose. You might drown this feeling with TV, food, or other feel-good right now impulses, but the feeling of failure will still exists deep inside you.

You have to be consistent in your decisions, and the goal you have picked. Promise that to yourself. You will need to get more life experience first.

If you can promise yourself that you will attain this goal, it is time to unveil a great tool that will help you along. Just remember; the push has to come from you. Nobody else will be able to do it for you.

Remember that consistency is not about giving it 110% every time. It is about a standing firm. You continue despite the lows, and also despite the highs. It all comes down to keeping a consistent push towards your goal.


They should make the best of every situation.

They should make the best of every situation.

Ensuring that all work you produce is of your highest possible standard will instil long term traits such as discipline, hard work and focus which are transferable qualities applicable to all areas of your life from exam success to running a marathon.

Striving for excellence is a skill which can be cultivated and a mindset which can be fostered. Performing to your optimum level leads to a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment which naturally leads to a ‘feel good’ feeling.


They should take responsibility for their lives.

They should take responsibility for their lives.

It’s only when you accept that everything you are or ever will be is up to you, that you are able to get rid of the negativity of excuse making that can so often prevent you from succeeding. You may find yourself in your current position in both your personal and professional life and remain convinced that if all’s not going well, then it’s ‘so and so’s fault’. However, we all have free will which means that we are completely responsible for all of our successes and failures and of our happiness or state of unhappiness.

When we realise this it can, at first, seem like a huge responsibility which we are placing on our shoulders but when you rationalise it and accept that you are responsible for every action you take and every decision you make, that there is virtually nothing that you can’t achieve, have or accomplish if you accept that it’s within yourself and yourself only, to reach your ultimate goal.


They should form valuable relationships.

They should form valuable relationships.

As social beings, the capacity to form and maintain relationships is essential to us and how we function within society. It is a key component to being mentally healthy, and having a positive sense of well-being.

Behind every successful Steve Jobs is a Steve Wozniak and there is a Paul Allen behind every successful Bill Gates. You need to have people that will help you achieve your dreams; believe me, you can’t do it alone. You need mentors, partners, employees, spouse and so on. Some of the criteria for finding good partners and mentors are compatibility, experience, similar values, loyalty, and mutual benefit among many others.5. They form valuable relationships.


They should make unusual sacrifices.

They should make unusual sacrifices.

One thing you do learn very quickly with the power of choice and that is that sacrifice is a huge part of it. You will quickly realise that you can’t have everything that you desire. I for one would like to be able to much more than I am physically able to do however I know that realistically there is only so much that I can actually manage. This is where sacrifice comes into play. When I talk about sacrifice, I don’t mean slaughtering animals to appease the Gods, I’m talking about self sacrifice. Giving something up because you know it is the right thing to do or leaving someone or something behind because you know that deep down in your heart it is the right thing to do!


They should never give up.

They should never give up.

Sometimes we feel like we have nothing left to give, and no matter how hard we try, we keep hitting road blocks that seem to hold us back.

The matter of fact is, if we can overcome the obstacles presented to us and keep pushing through the bad times, we will find the success within ourselves to create something worthwhile.

Behind every successful person, there is a story and a long-fought journey for him or her to get to where he or she is today.

This is the most important saying to remember when giving up becomes a legitimate thought. Nobody can create an empire in a day; no business can become a multi-billion-dollar venture in one day, and no idea is worth throwing in the garbage if all the stops haven't been pulled out yet.


They should take risks.

They should take risks.

Every successful man or woman is a risk taker. When we were children, the society and the people closest to us shaped our lives. For instance, your parents probably told you to go to school, finish with good grades and get a good job. Everything our society preaches to us is get security and this is why whenever you want to take any big decision in life or do something out of the ordinary, you get scared. The difference between a success and a failure is that a failure runs away from his fears while successful people run towards their fears. “Do one thing every day that scares you,” said Eleanor Roosevelt. If you don’t take that advice, you are never going to grow and you can as well forget about becoming successful.

Risk implies the chance that things might not work out the way we expect. The unknown is scary. We think to ourselves “what if the worst happens to me?” This kind of thinking is easy, but it over-weights the probability of very bad things happening to us. It is human nature to focus on catastrophe and disassociate it from actual probability. Just think about anyone who thinks about crashing in a plane, or dying in a terrorist attack. Odds are they have nothing to worry about.


They should cherish hard work and discipline.

They should cherish hard work and discipline.

The importance of hard work and self discipline is taught to us right from our childhood years. Be it to score high marks in board exams, or while preparing for any competitive exam, it’s importance is laid out to us in each aspect. Hence it is of no surprise that hard work and discipline is considered equally important in the professional field too.

So what is hard work? Hard work is anything that challenges you. Most people prefer doing what is easy and avoid hard work. This is exactly why you should do the opposite, as tougher challenges have lesser competition and you are thus recognized and rewarded immediately.

The nice thing about hard work is that it is universal. It doesn’t matter what industry you are in, it is always used to achieve long term results regardless of the specifics. If someone tells you otherwise, always remember that there is no fast and easy approach to success. The deeper you dig, the deeper are your chances to find a treasure.

Your life will reach a whole new level when you stop avoiding and fearing hard work and simply surrender to it.


They should create value.

They should create value.

Value attracts wealth and attention. Becoming successful can be simply defined as solving a problem. Find a problem that your skills, passion, dreams and potential are programmed to solve and solve that problem. Increasing demand for pizza better and faster access to pizza gave birth to pizza delivery. Business men and women needed faster means of transport to business meetings all around the world and boom, the private jet was made. You have been made to solve a particular problem, solve that problem and success will be yours.
All the points mentioned above are just principles and will not make you successful until you decide to make them habits. Make a decision to succeed today and nothing can stop you.