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Updated by Bionic Pants on Sep 29, 2017
Bionic Pants Bionic Pants
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Wearable Chair

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The mission of Noonee was to help reduce employee absences and demolish ergonomically-incorrect postures in the workplace. By developing the Wearable Chair, they have made it possible for workers to keep their bodies in shape and sit whenever they need to. On the outside, the bionic pants just appear to look like a plastic frame.

Wearable Chair

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The mission of Noonee was to help reduce employee absences and demolish ergonomically-incorrect postures in the workplace. By developing the Wearable Chair, they have made it possible for workers to keep their bodies in shape and sit whenever they need to. On the outside, the bionic pants just appear to look like a plastic frame. It comes equipped with various straps and supports that the individual wears on their body, keeping them upright yet comfortable.
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Chairless Chair

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The first key factor of consideration when buying Chairless Chair is to understand who they are marketed towards. These chairs work best for people in hard labor or medical situations, or those who suffer from an injured back or weak knees. You may want to speak with your doctor or employer before venturing to buy a pair. Since the development of this technology is still in its infancy, the companies responsible for its invention may charge a high amount for this coveted product. Keep your eyes on the retail market, though, as prices will surely drop over time.
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