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Updated by natalie-kijurna on Sep 26, 2017
Headline for HOT questions to ask a CR agency before saying "I do!"
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HOT questions to ask a CR agency before saying "I do!"

Here is a list of questions court reporting students should think about asking before agreeing to work for a court reporting agency. Please add others you think are important so I can share them with graduates. And don't forget to vote for your faves!


• Is there a non-compete contract? This is a contract that says you cannot work for other firms that are in competiti...

• Is there a non-compete contract? This is a contract that says you cannot work for other firms that are in competiti...

• A nonthreatening way to ask about how much you could earn with that particular firm: How many pages can I expect to...

• A nonthreatening way to ask about how much you could earn with that particular firm: How many pages can I expect to...

• How often do reporters get paid and do they get paid when the agency does or when transcripts are billed out?

• How often do reporters get paid and do they get paid when the agency does or when transcripts are billed out?

• How many reporters work for the firm/agency?

• How many reporters work for the firm/agency?

• What are their page rates? Original, copy, appearance?


• What is the commission split between reporter and agency?

• What is the commission split between reporter and agency?

• Does the firm want to do their own production? In other words, does the firm want you to sign a certification sheet...


• If there’s in-house proofreading, will you get to see your errors?

• If there’s in-house proofreading, will you get to see your errors?

• Does the firm engage in contract work? i.e. where the firm negotiates with the law firms for the work at a lower ra...


• What is their book of business like? Do they have a good mix of work from both plaintiffs and defendants, or do the...

• What is their book of business like? Do they have a good mix of work from both plaintiffs and defendants, or do the...

• How far will you be required to travel for jobs?

• How far will you be required to travel for jobs?

• How do you get jobs? How does the firm rotate jobs? Will you get enough work?


• What is the normal turnaround time for a transcript?


• Do new reporters have a mentor or shadow a senior reporter?

• Do new reporters have a mentor or shadow a senior reporter?