Listly by comicsinspire
Six short stories celebrating the galaxy rocking romance of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Satine Kryze. ❤
Obi-Wan realizes war is never going to bring him fulfillment- so he makes a startling decision.
Sweet family moments with the Kenobi tribe.
Two years after they decide to pursue duty, rather than love, young Kenobi writes a letter to the Duchess expressing his conflict.
A sightseeing trip goes awry in the most complicated way for the lovely couple.
Hidden in a cave, taking refuge from the civil war tearing Mandalore apart, Duchess Satine has a moment of vivid honesty.
The execution of Satine wracks Obi-Wan with guilt, delivering him straight to the dark side's doorstep.
Joshua Evans is a prolific writer and sci-fi/fantasy enthusiast who believes story is central to everything and that mythology can change the world. He currently hosts two youtube shows- The Truth ...