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Updated by Sheri Bambrough on Jul 31, 2014
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Turn Your Future to Success

We all want to succeed. Here are some of the key suggestions out there.

Nine Things Successful People Do Differently - Heidi Grant Halvorson - Harvard Business Review

Learn more about the science of success with Heidi Grant Halvorson's HBR Single, based on this blog post. Why have you been so successful in reaching some of your goals, but not others? If you aren't sure, you are far from alone in your confusion. It turns out that even brilliant, highly accomplished people are pretty lousy when it comes to understanding why they succeed or fail. The intuitive answer — that you are born...

How to Write Your Mission Statement |

Helpful tips for writing a mission statement for your small business. Browse our site for mission statement examples as well for your business or personal use.

How I'm Setting My Intention & Goals for 2010 - Episode #19 - YouTube Happy 2010!! Here's a quick look at how I'm setting my intention, rituals, creative production goals and letting the outcome...

Mind Mapping by Stephen Pierce - YouTube

Business optimization specialist Stephen Pierce explains how to use Mind Mapping to quickly double, triple, or even quadruple the amount of information you r...

5 Things To Do Every Day For Success | Fast Company

Fast Company wants you to have your best year yet in 2012; click for more advice and tips on how to work smarter, manage your career, and lead a more meaningful life."You get up at what time?" I hear that a lot, along with "You are so lucky." So, I'm going to help out here and let you in on the secrets of my success. Well, not all of them--but enough to show you the foundation I build on every day.1. Wake up early. For the next week, get up a half an hour earlier that you normally do--and get going. If you get a few more things done, then get up even earlier the next week.

SMART Goal Setting

I encourage you to pick up a pen and a piece of paper and jot down the goals you want to reach. Look at each goal and evaluate it. Make any changes necessary to ensure it meets the criteria for a SMART goals:

Reasons For Entrepreneurial Success The Successful Gal™

Have you every wondered what are some of the common factors that contribute to the success of Entrepreneurs? Many businesses’s that succeed have been found to follow a pattern of factors that have led to their success.  

10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything

What does it take to succeed? A positive attitude? Well, sure, but that’s hardly enough. The Law of Attraction? The Secret? These ideas might act as spurs to action, but without the action itself, they don’t do much. Success, however it’s defined, takes action, and taking good and appropriate action takes skills. Some of these skills (not enough, though) are taught in school (not well enough, either), others are taught on the job, and still others we learn from general life experience. Below is a list of general skills that will help anyone get ahead in practically any field, from running a company to running a gardening club. Of course, there are skills specific to each field as well – but my concern here is with the skills that translate across disciplines, the ones that can be learned by anyone in any position. 1. Public Speaking The ... More »

10 R’s to Apply if you Want to Succeed

I have been watching recently the increase in popularity of my post about the 5 steps to accomplish your goals ...

The Brand Called You | Fast Company

It's a new brand world. That cross-trainer you're wearing -- one look at the distinctive swoosh on the side tells everyone who's got you branded. That coffee travel mug you're carrying -- ah, you're a Starbucks woman! Your T-shirt with the distinctive Champion "C" on the sleeve, the blue jeans with the prominent Levi's rivets, the watch with the hey-this-certifies-I-made-it icon on the face, your fountain pen with the maker's symbol crafted into the end ... You're branded, branded, branded, branded.

How to Prepare for Competitive Exam tips and Guidance Just before Exams

Mr. Deepak Agarwal, Founder and Director of Disha Publication has shared with all competitive exam aspirants, a few tips and suggestions to improve their preparation skills in a certain guided way to help overcome exam-anxiety.