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Updated by Minhaj Ahmed on Apr 13, 2021
Minhaj Ahmed Minhaj Ahmed
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Best ways to make money online

List of the best ways to make money online


Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is probably one of the most cost efficient ways to start an online business.
There is minimal start up costs but it does take a lot of hard work and consistency.
Despite what you may have heard or seen on the internet, you will not be earning thousands of dollars in a month.
There are many resources to start an affiliate marketing business one of the best programmes is Wealthy Affiliate. They have a paid and free programme. Read my honest review of Wealthy Affiliate and see if it is something you will be interested in.



Ecommerce is growing at an exponential rate and will continue to grow for the foreseeable future.
As more and more people get access to high-speed internet connections and shop online the demand for ecommerce businesses is high.
Traditional eCommerce requires a substantive amount of investment,however,there is a eCommerce fulfillment method that doesn't much to get started with and this is called dropshipping.
Dropshipping is an eCommerce fulfillment method in which the store owner never handles to items that they are selling, they come to an arrangement with their supplier/manufacturer to deliver the products to the customer. It is on one of the most cost effective ways to start an online business.


CPA Marketing

CPA Marketing is a form of affiliate marketing but where in affiliate marketing you have to sell something to get a commission, in CPA Marketing you only need to get some one to perform a action to get paid.
This may include getting them to submit their email, complete a survey or downloading something like an app or software.
It is a very lucrative market, there is a programme that has a CPA programme that pays out $32-$4 for every person that joins their programe. It is Called Yoonla and you can read my full review of Yoonla here



Writing ebooks can be hard but with the correct training this can be minimised and some of your writing can even be outsourced.One of the best programmes for starting an ebook business is through K money Mastery


Providing a service

There are many services you can provide that can be very profitable.
This includes but not limited to:

SEO service
Web design
Online Advertising
Logo design
eBook creation

And many more.



Blogging can be very lucrative if you can uncover a profitable niche that hasn't been saturated.This will require extensive research but once you have found a niche to blog about, there are many ways to monetise your site.

You can sell stuff
Be an affiliate
Monetise through many advertising agencies
sponsored posts.


Don't get Sucked into MLM

One of the worst ways to start an online business would be to fall into the trap of MLM schemes.
I say this because I too fell for their slick advertisement of quick money and financial freedom.
Do you know that their distributors have a failure rate of 99%? Do not ever get sucked into any MLM schemes. Read my article on why MLM is bad