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Updated by medcalpharmacy2016 on Jun 03, 2018
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MedCal Pharmacy

Medcal Pharmacy in Brooklyn offers retail medications, pharmacist consultations and specialty meds that are products of medical breakthroughs in fertility. We also work with your physician to ensure that the medications they recommended are within your purchasing reach.




Medcal Pharmacy in Brooklyn offers retail medications, pharmacist consultations and specialty meds that are products of medical breakthroughs in fertility. We also work with your physician to ensure that the medications they recommended are within your purchasing reach.

Services | Medcal Pharmacy

NY and NJ - Fertility Pharmacy Services - Drop by our drugstore and ask about Ovidrel, Endometrin, Menopur and other fertility drugs. Call 718-331-2200 .

5 Fertility Myths That Were Debunked

When you are asking for people for advice or surf the internet, you will find many outrageous myths there is. Today, we would like to share and talk to you about fertility myths and how funny they sound.

3 Common Questions AboutMedCal Pharmacy That You Need To Know

Do you want to start a family but unfortunately, having a hard time conceiving naturally? If you are, reach out to us at MedCal Pharmacy, and let us ease your worries. In order to learn more about who we are as a company and what it is that we do, please keep on reading for more information.

5 Fertility Myths That Were Debunked (Part 2) | Medcal Pharmacy

Since you have requested it, we have gathered another 5 fertility myths that were debunked. So without any further ado, here are another 5 of these myths that we want to share with you:

4 Essential Information You Need To Know | Medcal Pharmacy

Are you looking for a trustworthy, affordable, and compassionate fertility medication pharmacy in Bay Pkwy Brooklyn New York? If you are looking for a company who understands the difficulties that you face as you go through the fertilization process, then please reach out to us at MedCal Pharmacy

3 General Yet Often Hard-To-Follow Fertility Tips for Women

A lot of couples definitely want to have babies to complete their families. However, many of these couples encounter difficulties in making this happen. These difficulties may result from infertility in one partner or both.

4 Amazing & Reliable Fertility Services Offered At MedcalPharmacy

Are you a couple wanting to start your family? However, are you currently experiencing some difficulties in conceiving? If you are, then please let us at MedCal Pharmacy help you out. We are a fertility medication pharmacy in Bay Pkwy. Brooklyn New York, and with us, you can rest assured that your fertilization journey will be comfortable and affordable as well.

4 Basic Things You Have to Know About Prenatal Vitamins

Couples who are trying to conceive for a long time will surely be elated once they know that their female partners are pregnant. With this joy and excitement comes the responsibility of ensuring both the mother's and baby's health.

How and Why You Should Monitor Your Fertility Cycle

You’ve been trying to get pregnant but somehow nothing seems to work. Monitoring your fertility cycle is one way to help you improve your chances.

4 Tips That Can Help Thicken Your Uterine Lining

The uterine lining is the inner layer of cells that line the womb or uterus. This lining grows in the womb and is shed monthly through the process that we know as menstruation.

Tips for Improving Female Fertility

One of the biggest joys of life is having a baby of your own. However, what can do you when you are having a hard time getting pregnant?

Maintaining Your Health During Pregnancy

Becoming pregnant and going through the whole process of creating new life is a wonderful experience that will change you forever. But now you are responsible for two lives, so it is important to take the proper steps to maintain and improve your health. This is something that Medcal Pharmacy can assist you with. We are a fertility pharmacy in New York that offers numerous products that are designed to improve your health during pregnancy.

Why You Should Consult Your Doctor Before Taking Prenatal Vitamins

For women who are trying to get pregnant and for those who are already pregnant, prenatal vitamins can be a good source of vitamins and minerals for both mother and child. This can help women who are facing difficulties conceiving become more fertile and can also help expectant mothers get the much-needed vitamins for their unborn children. At Medcal Pharmacy, a Fertility Pharmacy in New York, we have our customer’s best interest at heart.

3 Simple Tips on Fertility for Women

Many women desire to bear children; they want to become mothers and raise a family of their own. While it can be an easy process for some, others may face difficulty. Fertility is a common issue in many women; but in many cases, it can still be treated. Medcal Pharmacy is a Fertility Pharmacy in New Jersey and we are your partner in fertility treatment.

How Important Is Iron During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most critical stages in a woman’s life. One has to take care of her health and the health of the baby inside the uterus. That means double effort and double care. During this stage, the mother has to double everything including nourishment because the baby is dependent on the mother’s intake. If one is not used to vitamins or supplements, maybe this is the time that they start taking one. Vitamins and minerals are essential to the mother’s health and also to the development of the baby. One of the essential minerals during pregnancy is Iron.

Preparing Your Body for Pregnancy and Giving Birth

Pregnancy needs a lot of preparation. Women have to prepare mentally, physically, and emotionally. It is a decision that has to be agreed upon by the couple or by the family. Pregnancy is a stage where a lot can happen to a woman’s body and health. That is the reason why one has to be careful with what she eats, the environment and her medicines. Some prescribed medicines contain harmful effects to the developing baby in the uterus.

Protecting You and Your Baby – 5 Things Pregnant Women Should Avoid

Being a pregnant woman is one of the scariest things to experience. You will always have to be on your toes.