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OptimumCare Home Care Services

OptimumCare Home Care is a provider of home health care services in Woodbridge and McLean VA that is dedicated to meeting the needs of individuals in home-based scenarios. We provide a wide range of services, including skilled (medical) and non-skilled (personal care). Whether you’re recuperating from a surgical procedure, a long-term illness, cognitive impairment, or need help getting to and from medical or dental appointments, OptimumCare Home Care is focused on providing for your home health care needs.

How to Stay Independent at an Advanced Age

Old age can make it more and more difficult for you to maintain your independence, but it is still possible for you to hold on to your independence and your youth. OptimumCare Home Care Services is a Non-Medical Home Care in VA that offers you the means and the opportunities you need to keep on living life and doing what you love in the comfort of home. Just because you are getting older, it does not mean you have to let it keep you down. You can still continue pursuing what you love even at an advanced age!

Start Living an Easier Life Today

Being disabled can really turn your life upside down and make everything that you love doing a challenge or even impossible. This is why OptimumCare Home Care Services strives to offer you the occupational therapy you need to get your life back on track. As a Non-Medical Home Care in VA, we are committed to providing you with the support and the assistance you need in the comfort of your own home and here is how we can assist you.

What Worries Mom or Dad Most?

Because of our experience providing care to seniors and other homebound individuals, we at OptimumCare Home Care Services keep our finger on the pulse of the elderly population. A number of studies, as well as our own observances, has led us to identify three of the most top concerns for seniors today. Those concerns include finances, health, and relationships.

Getting Help for Mom and Dad When You Need It | OptimumCare Home Care Services

You’ve tried your best giving your loved one the attention and care they need, but either it’s become overwhelming or they need more assistance than you can or know how to offer. So where do you turn? Home health care is one of the leading solutions for families who have loved ones still living alone, but now need some assistance in everyday tasks. Being a caregiver is hard – no doubt about it. When mom or dad spent decades being self-sufficient and independent, being forced to rely on others is a difficult transition for all involved. As a caregiver, you have your own life – work, school and everything you do in between. Instead of developing frustration or stress in the latter years of your elder’s life, turn to home health care as a way to give them the care they need.

Importance of Nutrition for Mom or Dad | OptimumCare Home Care Services

We love food – it’s one of the most important factors of our daily life and something we sometimes take for granted! However, when you’re busy or don’t know what to make, what do you do? Do you order in or grab a meal through the drive-thru? When you’re responsible for your own meals as an adult, you likely don’t pay much attention to the nutritional factor – but when you’re a senior, the type of food you eat is essential for staying healthy and keep blood pressure and blood sugar at optimal levels.

5 Signs of Stroke and Risk Factors

Stroke is one of the leading causes of death in the world. It happens when there is no longer any blood circulating through the brain because of a blood clot.

4 Tips to Live Well Despite Heart Failure

Being diagnosed with any life-long disease or condition can be depressing. Millions of people all over the world have heart failure that doesn’t allow them to do the same things at the same pace they used to. However, if you or any of your loved ones have heart failure, it isn’t the end of the world!

5 Fitness Ideas That Your Loved Ones Can Engage In

As we age increasingly, our level of engagement to being physically healthy should be too. This is important as our body functioning slowly decline. We may experience physical difficulties and a lot of muscle pain that can hinder our way of life negatively. With that, a good commitment to habitual exercising should be observed.

Spine Problems: How to Take Care of It?

As we age over time, our bodies undergo series of changes that are drastically unexpected. More so, as we experience few physical immobility, our risk to serious health-related complications and bone deterioration also increases. This, in particular, also affects our spinal cord.

Overcoming a Disability: Therapy

Becoming disabled can feel like your life has been flipped upside down and put on hold. Dealing with a disability at first can be depressing and frustrating as you try to get back to your normal life but find that you are unable to do even the basic activities on your own. This lack of independence can be disheartening for anyone.

The Importance of a Healthy Diet at an Advanced Age

The older we become, the more important it is to maintain a healthy diet. Our food acts as not only our fuel, but it can also have both a positive and negative impact on our health, depending on what we eat. These effects will only become more pronounced with age, thus the importance of making sure you are eating right.

Live the Better Life– Hire Your Own Skilled Nurse!

Do you know anyone who is becoming healthier as they age? Do you know seniors who seem unstoppable even in their golden years? It’s very rare to know someone who is only getting healthier in their advanced years.

Why Is Leaving a Senior Alone at Home a Serious Matter You Cannot Take for Granted?

To many people, being alone at home grants peace of mind and heart. However, that is not always the case. There are hidden perils at home that can deal irreversible damages, especially for our senior loved ones.

Companionship: The Helping Hand You Deserve

Living at an advanced age can definitely present a number of unique challenges that can make life a bit difficult.

Why You Should Get More Sleep at an Advanced Age

There are many aspects to maintaining a healthy lifestyle as a senior citizen.

7 Safety Reminders for Seniors Who Live Alone

How long has it been since you started living alone? You’re probably used to it by now.

Seniors, Are You Safe on the Internet?

The internet can be used for a variety of things, like communicating and shopping. Its numerous applications always keep us in awe

Getting Back on Your Feet: The Perks of Therapy

Recovering from a serious medical operation or learning how to pick up the pieces of your life after becoming disabled can be challenging.

3 Fun Tips That Can Help Reduce Stress

For many of us, it can feel like no matter what we do we just simply cannot get away from stress.

Overcome Anxiety with These Powerful Habits

There is always a way through anything. There is always a solution to a problem.

The 5 Best Stress-Relieving Hobbies

It is not easy to let go of all the things that stress us. Some of the factors for our stress are livelihoods, bills, and the responsibilities we have for our families.

Personal Care – A Necessity for Mom or Dad | OptimumCare Home Care Services

Mom and dad spent years taking care of you – they might have even helped with the grandkids – but now that life is busy and they need the attention, you don’t have much time to spare thanks to a hectic work schedule and shuttling the kids from school to after-hours recreation. Taking the role of caregiver is stressful and usually overwhelming. While it’s understandable that you want to give back to your parents or loved one when they need it, doing so sometimes causes more stress and frustration than is needed.

3 Tips for Maintaining Your Youth

The last thing that many of us want to be is to grow older but it is a natural process we are unable to prevent.

The Perks of a Balanced and Nutritious Diet

As we age, it becomes increasingly important to take the proper steps towards maintaining and improving your health.

Home Care for the elderly and disabled in Woodbridge and McLean VA

OptimumCare Home Care Services provides home health care services in Woodbridge and McLean VA to best meet the needs of our clients in their home.