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Updated by Assis Henriques on Jul 13, 2022
59 items   2 followers   1 votes   842 views

Information Security & Forensics - The best list.

About Information Security, Certifications, Books, Computer Forensics and others stuffs.
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awesome-pentest - A collection of awesome penetration testing resources, tools and other shiny things


InfoCon is a community supported, non-commercial archive of all the past hacking related convention material that can be found.

ISO 27001 Documentation Toolkit

Don't reinvent the wheel! Speed up your cyber security implementation with a tool accepted by professionals worldwide. Compliant with 27001 2013 revision. Save at least 50% of your time and budget. Don't get overwhelmed with numerous documents - the Toolkit is optimized for smaller and mid-sized businesses.

CLAVIS - Information Security

Clavis is a company specializing in solutions and courses related to Information Security, with an innovative and comprehensive vision, following the latest trends in the market and how real of its customers.

RSA Conference

Asia Pacific & Japan 2017

                                                26 – 28 July
Information Security Resources

A collection of cybersecurity resources along with helpful links to SANS websites, web content and free cybersecurity resources

ISACA - Information Systems Audit and Control Association

ISACA® is a nonprofit, independent association that advocates for professionals involved in information security, assurance, risk management and governance.

An Introduction to ISO 27001, ISO 27002....ISO 27008

ISO 27000 series. ISO 27001 through ISO 27002

GIAC Certifications: The Highest Standard in Cyber Security Certifications

GIAC Certifications develops and administers premier, professional information security certifications. More than 30 certifications align with SANS training and ensure mastery in critical, specialized InfoSec domains. GIAC certifications provide the highest and most rigorous assurance of cyber security knowledge and skill available to industry, government, and military clients across the world.

Cybersecurity and IT Security Certifications and Training | (ISC)²

Prove you’re a leader in your field with our globally recognized cybersecurity certifications. Help make the cyber world a safer place for all.

Free Online CompTIA Security+ Certification Training Class

Take this free, online, self-paced CompTIA Security+ certification training course by Cybrary

Segurança da Informação e Gestão de Riscos

Segurança da Informação para quem quer ir da estratégia a prática

Mohmal | Disposable Temporary Email

Temporary email service, provides a temp disposable mail by one click, can be used to receive activation emails from any website or service that you register in.

Free computer forensic software as an open resource.

Free computer forensic software as an open resource.

Twitter:Information Security Professionals | Listly List

Infosec organizations and people from Twitter, including those highly influential in the Infosec community | Cyber Alliance (@A1_Cyber), Matt Ellio...

Website at

From state-of-the-art #software #security design principles to concrete programming techniques, this online #computer science program exposes you to the expert instruction and #research addressing #cyber #security in modern #technology.

Information Systems Security Association

Website of Information Systems Security Association (ISSA) International, the community of choice for international cybersecurity professionals dedicated to advancing individual growth

CLTC in the News News Archive

Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity - CLTC destinado ao fomento à pesquisa e à formação de profissionais em segurança da informação. Para maiores informações sobre o CLTC, basta acessar o site
( . Periodicamente, este Centro realiza uma série de apresentações de temas relacionados à Segurança Cibernética.

National Institute of Standards and Technology | NIST

NIST promotes U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve our quality of life.

An Overview of Cryptography

© 1998-2018 � A much shorter version of this paper first appeared in Handbook on Local Area Networks (Auerbach, Sept. 1998). Since that time, this paper has taken on a life of its own...

GitHub - Hack-with-Github/Awesome-Hacking: A collection of various awesome lists for hackers, pentesters and security...

GitHub is where people build software. More than 27 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 80 million projects.

Computação Forense - Perícia Forense - Crimes Virtuais - Forense Digital

Ensino e desenvolvimento de forense digital, computação forense, perícia forense e análise de crimes virtuais. Conhecimento acessível, formação prática e acompanhamento.

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This page was last modified on March 25, 2019 at 16:25.