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Updated by Maite Goñi on Feb 10, 2022
Maite Goñi Maite Goñi
36 items   9 followers   3 votes   3.62k views

CC images search

Searching for CC images

50 sites to find free stock images |

If you like Web Design, you probably use a lot of stock images in your designs. The following article is a list of 50 websites that provide free, open-sources images and photography to help you creating stunning designs without spending a dollar.

Wikimedia Commons

If you are browsing Commons for the first time, you may want to start with Featured pictures , Quality images or Valued images . You can also see some work created by our highly skilled contributors in Meet our photographers and Meet our illustrators .

Copyright free images for personal and commercial use - CC0PHOTOS

Over 1240293 high quality copyright free images! Free for personal or commercial use. No attribution required.

morgueFile free photos for creatives by creatives free stock photos

Free Pictures -

Wylio is the fastest way to find free pictures for your blog. Millions of free, legal, pictures are available from online sources. We make those images easy to find and use. A google account is needed.


WorldImages (

The internationally recognized WorldImages database provides access to the California State University IMAGE Project. It has just been selected by the Library of Congress for inclusion in its historic collection of Internet materials. It contains approximately 80,000 images, is global in coverage and includes all areas of visual imagery.

CC Search

Creative Commons licenses provide a flexible range of protections and freedoms for authors, artists, and educators.

Pictures of Animals -- Animal Photos!

Image Copyright is held by original owners; all are licensed as either CC-BY or CC-BY-SA. Text, metadata and image selections on this site are © 2007-2009 by Ontology2 and are available under the Version 3.0 Attribution-ShareAlike Creative Commons License.
Entries (RSS)and Comments (RSS).

FlickrCC search

Creative commons images on flickr

Flickr: Creative Commons

Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. Show off your favorite photos and videos to the world, securely and privately show content to your friends and family, or blog the photos and videos you take with a cameraphone.

A flickr CC search toy

tag mode:anyall
thumbnails per page: interestingness-descinterestingness-ascdate-posted-ascdate-posted-descdate-taken-ascdate-taken-desc only show ones I can edit.
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Public Domain Images

Public domain images - pictures, royalty free stock photos. Free public domain images for personal and commercial use.

Compfight / A Flickr Search Tool

Search engine for visual inspiration and free stock photos for the advertising community including images of creative commons and public domain.

Gure Gipuzkoa

Egilea GureGipuzkoa | Publikaturiko data
2012/09/17 21:04

10 Sitios web para buscar y descargar imágenes prediseñadas gratis

10 de los mejores sitios para buscar y descargar gratis imágenes prediseñadas, vectores, iconos, clip art, gif, botones, marcos, etc.

Pixabay - Public Domain Images

Find free quality public domain pictures and share your photos with our community.

Excelentes bancos de imágenes académicas para profesores y alumnos | Recursos TIC para profesores - TotemGuard

¿No siempre encuentras la imagen perfecta para ilustrar el blog del aula, un libro digital o un poster? Mira aquí para encontrar la foto ideal para tu materia.

Free Vector graphic art, free photos, free icons, free website templates, psd graphic, photoshop brush, font, free do...

Huge collection of graphic resource for designer include: vector graphic art, vector images, vector illustration, free photos, free hd photo, free pictures, free website templates, free icons, psd graphic, free font, photoshop brush, photoshop patterns, photoshop styles, wallpapers all are free for download.

20+ Websites to Download Creative Commons Music For Free

If you've wondered where many of those YouTube videos get their background music from, you've come to the right place. Music with Creative Commons licenses are music compositions written, produced and shared by people who do not charge anything when you use their music for your own use, commercially or ...

everystockphoto is a search engine for free stock photos, offering community features to the stock photography community. Free photos are listed under creative commons, public domain and other free licenses.

EduPic Graphical Resource for Educators

EduPic Graphical Resource is a teacher designed free image resource for use by teachers and students. All images contained within are free for use by educational professionals and the students they serve without permission. All other use is by permission only. All other rights are reserved.

Euskarazko fotolog zerbitzu librea da hau. Gorde eta partekatu nahi beste argazki, doan, mugarik gabe. Guztia, gainera, eduki librea da.

Home for Public Domain Pictures. Free for private and commercial use.

5000 Free Stock Photos

All photos on this web site are public domain. You may use these images for any purpose, including commercial. But if some photo contains logos and products you need to be careful. Using someone else's trademark commercially can get you sued.