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Updated by Desiree Allen on Oct 10, 2017
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How much stuff do I own that really satisfies me?

Inspired by @jeffgoins and his #wreckedbook, these are the things that I ask myself: "How many of these things really satisfy me? Which of these things could I do without?" I'm guessing most of it would be considered a burden at some point.




All too often, I find myself buying a book because it's something I think I need. I'll buy that one and a few others like it, simply because I recognize the author's name. I never read through all of my books because I feel overwhelmed with the quantity of what's to be read.




How many times have I gone into a clothing store and picked out an outfit that I wanted but really couldn't afford? How many times have I not gone through the inventory of clothes that I already have in my closet so that I can "fill in" when needed, not buy more bulk?




Do I really need the latest and greatest? Why do I feel like less of a person if I don't keep up with the Joneses?


Laptop computer

Laptop computer

Everything can be justified, if given the time to explain. I strongly believe a computer is necessary in this day. I also believe that we can be consumed by it, too; as long as we are mindful of the time and energy spent on items like our computers, they can be valuable tools to enhance our lives.


Things I think I need but really don't

Things I think I need but really don't



I enjoy listening to music. When I have to keep myself in check is the times that I am spending 99 cents or $1.29 on songs in iTunes when I could be getting so much more music on the app that provides the service for free.


Fast food

Fast food

Growing up, it was a treat to go out to McDonald's. Now? Normal, every day routine. What happened to eating meals at home? It's very likely I do it because I CAN.


Things I think my kids need but really don't

Things I think my kids need but really don't

Yet another "keeping up with the Joneses" item. Also, I think part of my issue here is that I want them to have what I couldn't have growing up... regardless of whether or not it can be afforded. Maybe part of that is guilt because I am a single mom, too.