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Updated by Lori Lavender Luz on May 24, 2014
Headline for Perfect Moment Monday August, 2012
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Perfect Moment Monday August, 2012

Perfect Moment Monday is about noticing a perfect moment rather than creating one. Perfect moments can be momentous or ordinary or somewhere in between.


Perfect Dinner Stirrup Queens

I love falafel in small quantities, but I hate the smell of fried foods, so I’ll never make them in the house.  It’s been over ten years since I fried something.  But my friend had a post on her Facebook wall about a baked falafel recipe and said they were fairly decent, so I decided to give them a try.  I made hummus and tehina and Israeli salad.

A Perfect Start | Dragondreamer's Lair

Tonight, I let out a big sigh of relief. Tomorrow, I’m going to celebrate. Yes, tomorrow is the first day of school but, while I’m certainly happy my kids will be occupied by someone other than me all day, that is not the biggest reason I am happy.

Perfect Moment Monday: Embracing the Truth? | Too Many Fish to Fry

I’m starting to think that quite possibly the best trait to possess as a human being is not beauty or wit or talent of any kind but instead: resilience. I’m not a fan of that twerpy wor...

Perfect Moment Monday: The Greater Fool

“‘The greater fool’ is actually an economic term. It’s a patsy… For the rest of us to profit, we need a greater fool, someone who will buy long and sell short. Most people spend their lives trying not to be the greater fool. We toss him the hot potato. We dive for his seat when the music stops. The greater fool is someone with the perfect blend of self-delusion and ego to think that he can succeed where others have failed. This whole country was made by greater fools.” ~ Sloan Sabbith on The Newsroom

Perfect Moment Monday: Am I good enough?

My daughter’s anxiety about starting school highlights my own demons about entering a new stage and becoming vulnerable. How to deal with Am I enough?

Power Outage: Perfect Moment Monday | Mud Hut Mama

We are on mains power through ESCOM (Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi), their tag line is “towards power all day everyday.” All I can say is that they have a long way to go to reach that goal.

The Infertility Voice | In sanguine, veritas.

When I was ten years old, just four days before my eleventh birthday, I awoke from my nap and headed to the bathroom, the urge to pee having woken me up. It was the first time I would see the smudge: the bright red spots stark against the white cotton lining of my panties.

I Can Be Your Hero, Baby – Perfect Moment Monday

When I first started this blog in January 2008, the twins were in 1st grade, Jordan was in Pre-K, and Kaelyn was a 2-year-old who looked like this: Now, I have two 6th graders, a 4th grader, and a once-Spiderman-superhero

Space Please | lifeaccordingtojohn

For the last Monday of this month I am participating in Perfect Moment Monday with Lori at Write Mind Open Heart.  This is a time to take a look back at your last month and “reflect” on...