Wrongful Death
As the name implies, a wrongful death suit seeks to award compensation to the surviving family or heirs of a person who died as a result of negligent behavior or circumstances. In such a case, the circumstances need not necessarily involve medicine:
A person killed in a vehicular accident by a drunk driver
A person killed accidentally after an assault
A person who dies after eating food discovered to be spoiled or tainted, unbeknownst to him
The above are examples where a wrongful death suit may be feasible. Surviving family members may consider talking with an attorney who specializes in these cases to determine if compensation is possible.
Medical Malpractice
One thing to note about medical malpractice is that not every case has to result in the death of a patient. Medical malpractice suits focus on the negligence of a medical professional that caused harm, with compensation sought to alleviate bills and, in some cases, assist the wronged party if he/she is unable to work or walk as a result. People who have experienced disability or disfigurement as a result of a doctor of medical staff's actions may have a case, as do others in certain situations:
Nursing home patients mistreated in their facility
Patients in a hospital who receive inadequate care that affects their health
Families of patients who die as a result of neglect or incompetent behavior
If you are not certain if you stand to gain financially following the death or serious injury of a loved one, consult with a personal injury lawyer who specializes in such cases. The more you know, the better prepared you are when you wish to face those who wronged you.