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Updated by Patrick Armeen on Dec 28, 2022
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Eastway Lock & Key, Inc.

Eastway Lock & Key, Inc. is the only locksmith service that you’ll ever need. Serving the Charlotte area for over 30 years, we are your one-stop shop for all locksmithing services including doors, safes, gates, padlocks, and more. Our automotive locksmith team is ready to assist you any time of day you may find yourself locked out of your vehicle.

Factor In These Important Considerations When Buying Personal Safes

When buying personal safes, examine their design qualities completely to make certain they can withstand the likely incursions of their environment.

Installing Safes in Your Home: Important Considerations to Remember

Properly installed safes are secure and out of thieves’ sights. But where exactly should you install it and what factors do you need to consider?

Tips from a Charlotte Locksmith on Keeping Your Door Locks Well Maintained

You may not realize it but there are actually proper steps you can take to keep your door locks well-maintained. A professional locksmith gives tips.

Helpful Tips on Choosing High-Quality Safes for Keeping Your Valuables Secure

If you keep valuables at home or in your office that require extra security, consider placing them in safes. Heed some tips about choosing a safe.

Follow this Locksmith Guide in Order to Choose the Perfect Door Locks for Your Property

A professional locksmith can help you find the type of locks you need to keep your property well secured. Here are some helpful tips you can use.

Helpful Tips from a Locksmith on Choosing the Best Security System for Your Property

Keeping your property secure means keeping your family and business safe. Consult with a locksmith to find the best kind of system for your needs.

Know What You Want from Safes Before You Start Shopping for Them

Safes in Charlotte, NC, or elsewhere, are generally easy to find, but you need to know exactly what you expect from your safe before choosing a type.

The Benefits of Investing in Personal Safes for Your Home or Business

You may not think that you need personal safes at home or for your business, but you could be surprised to find a lot more benefits than you expected.

Save Your Belongings from a House Fire by Keeping Them in Home Safes

Instead of waiting until too late to save essential belongings from a fire, a homeowner must use their home safes to keep such items intact.

Are You Experiencing Any of These Door Lock Problems? Call a Locksmith as Soon as Possible

There are a number of common door lock problems an experienced locksmith can easily address. Entrust lock repairs only to professionals.

Use This Homeowner’s Guide to Installing Safes Like a Professional in Your Home

Homeowners inherit a duty to protect their possessions. Here are some inside tips on home safe installation to safeguard all your belongings.

How to Best Have a Secure Home, According to a Professional Locksmith

Securing your home can be accomplished quite easily especially when you follow a number of easy and effective tips from a professional locksmith.

Put These Essentials in Your Fireproof Safe Before Fire Engulfs Your Home

When a house fire erupts, your thoughts juggle from disorganized to frenetic—the precise reason for memorizing which items to save ahead of time.

There are just some critical times where you need to call in a professional locksmith for urgent assistance because of a situation with your locks.

Office Safes - What to Consider Before Installing One

There are a number of important factors you need to consider if you are planning to purchase some safes for your office documents and other files.

Should You Ask Your Locksmith For A Smart Lock? Pros and Cons of A Keyless Lock

If you're always losing your house keys, it's probably time to ask your locksmith about the pros and cons of switching to keyless door locks.

You Still Need to Keep Certain Items Inside Safes Even If You’re Going Minimalist

Minimalists often inspire others to purge their personal belongings. However, there are some possessions even they should keep inside safes instead.

Women Living Solo Should Hire a Locksmith for Security in Their Homes

If you're a woman living on your own in Charlotte, NC, hiring a locksmith to increase your home's security is a major safety tip to consider.

Shopping for Residential Safes? Consider These Tips Before Buying

A dealer of residential safes discusses the three B's to consider before buying a safe and gives valuable tips on how to choose the right one.