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Social Media Marketing Articles

How to use Social Media Marketing...
Check out these resources that will help you develop the skills needed to be effective on Social Media Marketing!


Social Media Marketing Knowledge Center

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31 Must-Read Social Media Marketing Articles : Social Media Examiner

See which social media marketing articles our writers found most valuable and helpful.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Ways To Get More Facebook Likes

How to Get More Facebook Likes. Now that you’ve got your Facebook page set up, you’ll want to start letting everyone know about it, so they can like your page!

Ways To Increase Twitter Followers

These seven pointers are what I've found to be the most effective way to increase followers. As always, it's worth experimenting with different strategies to see what works best for you.

10 Tips for Mastering Twitter Marketing Strategies |

Here are the most effective marketing strategies you can use to make sure Twitter draws more customers to your business.

LinkedIn Profile Optimization for SEO

Since LinkedIn has its own search engine and you’re using this social networking site to market your company, you should invest time in optimizing your LinkedIn profile for successful SEO.

Instagram Contest Ideas for Businesses

There are countless ways to make your Instagram posts and consequently your brand name well-known. One way is through holding a contest.

All About Marketing Automation Systems

See what marketing automation systems can do, including visitor and leads activity tracking, landing pages with smart registration forms, workflows and email distribution, personalized content, leads scoring, and more.

An Introduction to Facebook Marketing for pages |

"Introduction to Facebook Marketing for pages"

Facebook is a brilliant medium for engaging visitors, building authority, driving traffic to your website and increasing your credibility as a brand.

Topics covered:
1. Build a Business Profile
2. Create an Appealing and Memorable Vanity URL
3. Add a Recognizable and Attention Grabbing Cover Photo
4. Add an Awesome Profile Picture
5. Optimize The About Section
6. Earn The Very Responsive Badge
7. Include Milestones
8. Call to Action
9. Create Unique Page Tabs
10. Post Best Blog Content
11. Focus On Offering Value
12. Images
13. Make Content Easy to Share
14. Schedule Posts in Advance

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#Facebook #FacebookMarketing #FacebookTips #FacebookPages #FacebookBusiness #SocialMediaMarketing #DigitalMarketing #OnlineMarketing #ContentMarketing #FacebookAds #FacebookEngagement

10 Fantastic Tips for Boosting Facebook Engagement |

"10 Fantastic Tips for Boosting Facebook Engagement"

The social networking site has a ton of fresh, dynamic and resourceful features that can be brilliantly integrated into your overall promotional strategy.

Topics covered:
1. Host Contests
2. Post Response Generating Posts
3. Post Shareable Content
4. Engage with Other Businesses
5. Boost Posts
6. Stay Persistent
7. Post at the Optimal Time
8. Keep Posts Short
9. Use the Power of Facebook Groups
10. Celebrate Holidays and Festivals

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#Facebook #FacebookMarketing #FacebookTips #FacebookPages #FacebookBusiness #SocialMediaMarketing #DigitalMarketing #OnlineMarketing #ContentMarketing #FacebookAds #FacebookEngagement #FacebookContests #FacebookGroups

Why Social Media Will Transform Your Business |

Most businesspersons will agree to the fact that social media is the future of marketing. There is a thick line to be drawn when social media marketing is compared to conventional forms of marketing.

Topics covered:

  • Enhancing Brand Recognition
  • Make Good Use of Visual Content
  • Cultivate on Having A Unique Voice
  • Use Different Tones but Remain Consistent
  • Share Quality Content
  • Follow Influencers
  • Join Groups
  • Know How to Start Conversations
  • Keep Off Politics and Religion
  • Gaining Trust from Your Customers
  • Increasing Sales
  • Enhanced Ways to Connect with Your Target Audience
  • Reputation Management
  • Drive Attention to Your Website
Tactics to Improve Your YouTube Channel Growth |

YouTube is one of the hardest platforms on which to grow quickly and on which to go viral. Similar to Instagram, it’s not set up as an inherently shareable platform. Similar to SEO, the goal is to rank well enough within YouTube’s algorithms to get your content filtered to the top of search results and to be included in suggested viewing (...)

Topics covered:

  • Watch Time Is King
  • Content Discovery and Growth
  • Collaborations Lead to Quick Organic Growth
  • Focus Your Efforts and Frequency
  • Have a Strong Point of View and Stick to One Theme
  • Two-Way Conversations
  • Passion and Knowledge
  • Be the Same but Different
  • Viral Machines
  • Value in Multichannel Networks
  • Reaching Kids and Analyzing Metrics
  • Going Viral
  • Quick Tips and Recap
Getting Found on Instagram

Who doesn't love a good hashtag? What started on Twitter has migrated to Instagram, and it really helps you get found.

Getting Found on Instagram

Who doesn't love a good hashtag? What started on Twitter has migrated to Instagram, and it really helps you get found.

Top Tips for Maximizing the Benefits of Pinterest |

If you want to use Pinterest (and it is highly recommended that you do), here are the top tips for maximizing the benefits of Pinterest.

Instagram Hashtag Strategy

Hashtags are a great way to get your posts in front of more eyes. Getting found in the right hashtags - the ones your ideal audience are using and browsing through - should definitely be a goal.

Creating an Audience List for Facebook Ads

Do you want to know the secret to great Facebook ad campaigns? If I had to narrow it down to one “secret”, it would definitely be the creation of an audience list.

Digital Marketing Plan

The purpose of this post is to give you an outline and blueprint for producing essential Digital Marketing ingredients and getting the most out of those efforts that you spend your time on, and that was hard-earned.

Video Marketing for Social Media

How can you monetize social media by taking advantage of enhanced video content? What is more, there is also a high possibility for you to earn as an affiliate marketer or influencer that creates high-quality content.

Topics covered:

  • Best Types of Video Content for Social Media
  • Interviews and Q&A Sessions
  • Show Them What Goes on Behind the Scenes
  • Product Reviews
  • Catch Up on Celebrity Lifestyle and Gossip
  • Engaging Vlogs
  • Unboxing Videos
  • Live Videos
  • Deals and Promos Videos
  • User-Generated Content
  • Organize Contests and Giveaways
  • Big Reveals and Announcements Videos
  • Events Showcasing Videos
  • Share Breaking News
  • Share Tutorials and Do-It-Yourself Videos
  • Create Online Courses
  • and many more!
How King Is Content On Twitter?

On social media and the internet at large, content is generally considered to be king. However, on Twitter, content isn’t just king, it is everything.


Ten Steps to Create The Perfect Instagram Post

Ten Steps to Create The Perfect Instagram Post

How to create the perfect Instagram post? Here are ten great steps for you to start using so that you can generate a great post every single time (...)

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A Social Media Marketing Plan for 2020

Social media marketing is rapidly changing. To get the most out of it, you need to keep up with the changes and use the best strategy to help your business.

Topics covered:

  • Know Your Target Audience
  • Set Goals
  • Focus on a limited number of platforms
  • Organic is no longer the way to win
  • Use Micro-Influencers
  • Keep up with changing technology
  • Try Live Streaming
  • Use Facebook Messenger Marketing
Top Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

In this short guide, we’ll discuss some of the most common mistakes you can make on social media and how to overcome or avoid them.

Engaging With Your Instagram Followers

Your followers are the ones boosting your profile, liking your pictures, and giving your profile credibility. The more followers you get, the more you need to engage with them (...)