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Updated by Riley Heat & Air on Sep 29, 2022
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HVAC Repair & Maintenance

The last thing you want to do is to be surprised when you turn on your cooling system for the first time during the year only to discover it’s not working. So, we Rileyheatandair suggest turning it on now, if you haven’t already turned it on this year, and taking it on a “test run” of sorts. Keep reading this blog to know why does your air conditioner need late season repairs

Busting The Common Myths about AC Refrigerant

When it comes to taking care of your air conditioning system, there's a lot that can be done on your part. However, you need to understand which tactic would prove beneficial as – according to Riley Heat and Air – many of them are complete myth and would do more harm than good to your AC unit. Read this blog to know what are the top myths in the world of HVAC and what is wrong with following those misconceptions.

Checklist Before Hiring a Heating Service Provider

Just like any other device, your HVAC system needs regular maintenance and check up for it to work in mint condition years down the line. Hiring experts is a smart idea, however, choosing the right one from a gazillion HVAC service providers can get overwhelming. In this blog, Riley Heat and Air has provided a checklist that you must follow before finalizing your service provider.

Some Basic Yet Useful Facts About Air Duct Cleaning

Research suggests that cleaning the components of your air conditioning system on a regular basis can not only improve the efficiency of your system but also extend its lifespan and increase cost savings for you. However, air ducts are more often than not ignored by homeowners. . Riley Heat and Air – an expert HVAC expert service provider – has shared some useful facts about air duct cleaning in this blog that you should definitely take a look at once.

Ways How Duct Cleaning Save Your Money

In order for your HVAC to deliver cool breeze into your rooms, that air has to go through a system of ducts. Cleaning the ducts can help identify leaks in your ductwork, improve HVAC effectiveness as well as overall air quality. This blog by Riley Heat and Air – an HVAC expert – has explained the importance of duct cleaning and how it will help you save good amount of money.

Factors to consider when Installing HVAC systems in your house

An AC system is considered a necessity these days. You need to choose the right brand and model to efficiently beat the summer heat. Oftentimes, people purchase an air conditioner without proper research. Therefore, they fail to get an AC that is suitable for their needs. The best practice is to list down the available models and compare them to ensure that you get a system appropriate for your house or office. Moreover, you should hire a professional service for air conditioner installation in Maryland.

Most common mistake people do is getting attracted to repair because it costs low. But in the following cases, the replacement saves more money in the long term. Below are the most common signs which indicate it’s time to replace your air conditioner.

8 Factors to Consider When Installation Of an HVAC System

Installing a new HVAC unit can provide more comfort indoors and add value to any property. Doing research and considering these critical factors can ensure a wise investment is made in any building.