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Updated by James Mc Colgan on May 31, 2013
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My Las Vegas Vacation 2012

A series of Audioboo's describing the various aspects of this summer holiday/ vacation. from airlines - to weather - to the local people- and everything inbetween.

Audioboo / Observations on a Las Vegas vacation 2012- Flight / Vacation apps and available wifi. #LasVegasVacation2012

A series of observations from my Las Vegas vacation in Nevada - summer 2012.

Detailing one particular " flight" app ( Flight+ ) with one vacation organising programme ( Tripit ). Their features - my thoughts on them, and their actual usability when " inflight " .
Also on availability of wifi and a couple of tips on how to find good free sources.
#2012 #accessibility #availability #costs #functionality #holiday #LasVegas #observations #reality #strength #tips #tricks #tripit #usefulness #vacation #wifi #FlightApps #flight #2012 #lasvegas #flightapps #2012

Audioboo / Observations on a Las Vegas vacation 2012 ... Airlines and customs. #LasVegasVacation2012

A series of observations from my Las Vegas vacation in Nevada - summer 2012.

The variety of treatment experienced from airline crew and customs officials, from the UK to the USA.

Audioboo / Observations on a Las Vegas vacation 2012... weather. #LasVegasVacation2012

A series of observations from my Las Vegas vacation in Nevada - summer 2012.
My observations on the incredible weather experienced while in Las Vegas -Nevada, and in Arizona, during my summer vacation here in 2012. #2012 #conditions #LasVegas #observation #sunshine #temperatures #vacation #weather #2012 #lasvegas #2012

Audioboo / Observations on a Las Vegas vacation 2012.. the people . #LasVegasVacation2012

A series of observations from my Las Vegas vacation in Nevada - summer 2012.

Personal observations on the people of Las Vegas and Arizona, as I found them during my vacation here this summer.
#attitude #helpfulness #kindness #LasVegas #local #loving #nature #people #vacation #friendliness #pleasantries #lasvegas

Audioboo / Observations on a Las Vegas vacation 2012 - photography - iPhone. #LasVegasVacation2012

A series of observations from my Las Vegas vacation in Nevada - summer 2012.

Comparing the iphone4s against my dslr camera. quality of photographs and percentage of 'spoils'.
I found that my dslr outguns the iphone in every aspect of quality. Only loses out on portablitly / convenience and of course video.

#iphone, #4s, #camera, ,#versus,#dslr,#percentage,#spoils,

Audioboo / Observations on a Las Vegas vacation 2012 - The Imperial Palace Hotel. #LasVegasVacation2012

A series of observations from my Las Vegas vacation in Nevada - summer 2012.

An insight into the Imperial Palace hotel on the Las Vegas " Strip ".
What it's like and what it's like to stay there - plus some of its features and attractions.

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#lasvegas #hotels #imperial #palace #thoughts #insight #features #family #atmosphere