Listly by Live Prudently
Naming a blog can be a chore. There are lots of articles on the internet on the subject , these are some of my favorites.
Finding awesome blog names is not an easy task.For some deciding on a name can be almost a trivial task.Let's Learn how to find blog names that suit you
How to come up with blog name (complete guide) is a newbie's guide to finding a brandable blog name in just a few minutes. Here you will learn exact steps which I follow to create a good blog name for each of my new client that looks unique, memorable and interesting, so read it now...
Good but short article on naming a blog.
Short guide to naming a blog. Not bad.
A blog about naming blogs. Has alot of lists of blogs with good names in various niches.
Get some tips on how to choose a good blog name. The pros and cons of a keyword intensive name vs a made up word for your brand!
Very specific infographic about a choosing between your full name or a nickname when naming a blog.
Anyone who has sat stymied with their cursor blinking in a 'username' field knows that coming up with a name is harder than you'd think.
There are A LOT of food blogs out there today. Anyone with a kitchen, a camera and a basic knowledge of WordPress can start one (and sometimes it feels l...
In need of inspiration? Use my Blog Idea Generator to fix that writer's block. Input your keywords and generate a weeks worth of blog post ideas.