Listly by Derryck
Buntes aus dem Internet zusammen getragen. Spiele, Gadgets & Mehr.
Die Scrabble-Hilfe sortiert Wörter aus Buchstaben für Scrabble® und ähnliche Spiele. Buchstaben in die Wortsuche eintragen und Scrabble-Wörter finden.
Die deutsche Kreuzworträtsel-Hilfe im Internet. Finde im Handumdrehen Kreuzworträtsel-Lösungen.
500 Level und keine Lösung in Sicht? Wir helfen dir aus und sorgen für die perfekte Wort-Guru-Partie. Hier klicken, um alle Wort Guru-Lösung zu erhalten!
Wörter finden leicht gemacht ➤ Buchstabensalat eingeben und Wörter generieren lassen ✓ Eingrenzung mithilfe von Mustern ✓ Sortierung nach Länge der Wörter ✓ Jetzt Buchstabensalat mit lösen!
Probably the best vending machines on the planet! From the larger size (than in the states), familiar brands to Japanese exclusives like Aquarius, Pocari Sweat, and Calpis (yeah, there is no way to say that without is sounding like "cow-pis" unless you have an extremely exaggerated drawl!)
This could be it's own list! Hot coffee, soft drinks, food, BEER!! What was/is your favorite?
Gravity Llama is a funny platformer inspired by the 8bit game VVVVVV. Llama Land was hit by a golden meteor which encased the llamas in gold. You are one of them and your mission is to collect the golden stars and get home. Good Luck!
Super fun, really easy. All ages, simple. Kkind of addicting, haha! I would give it a G rating.
Art - community of artists and those devoted to art. Digital art, skin art, themes, wallpaper art, traditional art, photography, poetry / prose. Art prints.
Art, if you are into it. Fan art, regular art, cosplay, sculpture, photography, you name it. I would say PG13 to R...Some artists get a little TOO creative if you know what I mean...
Put letters together, build words, add up your points and win! This classic game features the classic Scrabble equipment for a big-time word-on-word showdown. Do you see a word your opponent hasn't seen. A double or triple letter or word space that will let you earn big points. Could the luck of the draw win you the game. Use your letters to score points and challenge your family and friends. It’s your word against theirs! Scrabble and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro.
Words with Friends (aka Scrabble) is such an addicting game to play with friends.
Tabletop games are one of the great loves of the average geek, but anybody who loves tabletop gaming have the same problem. The bane of all players is the best way to keep their cards when their not using them. Finally a Kickstarter campaign is planning to bring that plague to an end. bietet eine Scrabble®-Hilfe, die Kreuzworträtsel-Hilfe und verschiedene Anagramm-Generatoren. Wissenswertes rund um Wörter und Buchstaben.