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Updated by Ricky Ribeiro on Jun 21, 2022
Headline for BizTech's 2012 Must-Read IT Blogs Nominees
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BizTech's 2012 Must-Read IT Blogs Nominees

Nominations for BizTech magazine's annual list of must-read blogs about small business and small business technology. For more info, check out last year's list:


ITNinja | @ITNinjaSite

Formerly, ITNinja serves as a fun IT community with a focus on software related topics such as deployment.

Anoop's | @anoopmannur

A blog about Infrastructure Management, fully dedicated to System Center Configuration Manager (a.k.a SCCM). Startup Guides and One Stop reference guides for newbie (s). Helping the community !! | @myitforum

A popular community for Microsoft System Center professionals and IT workers. The site offers an abundance of news, opinions, tips and more from its deep base of contributors. | @windowsnoob is a lively forum helping people with many step-by-step guides about Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager. If you want to learn about SCCM , start here.

The White Board: SolarWinds Blog

Experts in fields including network management, server and application management, virtualization, log and security, and more post regularly on The White Board, keeping readers informed on what's changing in IT management.

A Screw's Loose | @bmkatz

Run by Brian Katz, an IT worker with expertise and insight in mobility, expect the unexpected from this IT blog full of personality and advice.

Spiceworks | @Spiceworks

A community of more than 2 million IT professionals who review products, share advice, and help one another manage their technology environments.

remotelyMOBILE | @PaladorBenjmain

Enterprise mobility strategy for a mobile-only world by Benjamin Robbins of Palador.

Lori MacVittie

Every time there's a major technological shift in operational models you can here the hue and cry from across the land of IT: the sky is falling. Our jobs are in jeopardy. Technology "X" will eliminate the need for "Y".

SwitchScribe | @mthiele10

Blog articles by Mark Thiele on Data Centers, Cloud, IT Leadership & Sustainability.


Private Cloud, Datacenter Virtualization, Systems Management - Be What's Next in Information Technology! - All things Microsoft for IT Professionals.

Virtualized Geek | @virtualizedgeek

IT worker Keith Townsend opines on virtualization, the cloud, gadgets and all things geeky in his fun, but informative blog.

CIO Dashboard — IT Strategies for CIOs and IT leaders

CIO advice and strategies by PwC principal Chris Curran.

CloudAve | @CloudAve

Everything about cloud, mobile and social

Tales from the Technoverse | @TechnoGeezer

Dan Mintz, COO of IT contractor Powertek Corporation, blogs about technology, IT, social media, and so much more!

The Verge | @verge

My favorite place to go for tech stories. I read it all the time via FlipBoard on my phone.




The best place to find blogs about the complete System Center Suite.

Schneier on Security

Bruce Schneier is a well-known name and renowned author in IT security. His blog offers headlines, commentary and insights on all things security.

But You're A Girl | @adriarichards

Adria Richards is a San Francisco-based technology expert and evangelist. In addition to the sound technology advice that Adria offers to businesses, she also chronicles discussions about the role of women in technology.

Wired Business

People and Technologies That Matter

Young Entrepreneur Council | @TheYEC

The Young Entrepreneur Council is a nonprofit organization that supports young entrepreneurs. The organization's site also hosts insights, tips and analysis on startups and small business.

IT Service Innovation | @jeffsussna

Jeff Sussna blogs about cloud, Devops, CoIT, lean, and design thinking.

Chuck's Blog

An EMC insider's perspective on information, technology and customer challenges.