Now for some, blue cheese is absolutely deplorable. This is because the taste is too strong and it sort of leaves a pungent smell in your mouth. However, a majority who have tried it seems to be in love with this flavor and mixes it up with ingredients like dried fruit, honey, apple or pear slices, walnuts, and figs; so that their sweet flavor blends harmoniously with the strong flavor of the cheese. When it comes to blue cheese, there are 2 different types to choose from, Roquefort and Gorgonzola. Unfortunately, blue cheese in Sri Lanka is something quite rare, especially the Roquefort. You may be able to find gorgonzola in super stores like Keells Super.
This type of cheese is also quite expensive as it takes about four months for it to mature, and depending on how long it takes to process can also determine the type of Gorgonzola, Gorgonzola Dolce or Gorgonzola Dolce.
The next time you make pizza at home try incorporating blue cheese into it and skip the mozzarella. If you think it's too strong for a topping, wrap it up with bacon or chicken ham to reduce the pungent taste.