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Updated by Danelle Hernandez on May 19, 2017
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Top 10 Poisonous Plants.

Plants are not some boring organism. They are quite interesting and deadly.


Hippomane Mancinella

Hippomane Mancinella

In Spanish its name means "Little Apple of Death". It can cause damage such as skin irritation, voice loss, etc. without contact.


Datura Stramonium aka Jimsonweed

Datura Stramonium aka Jimsonweed

The plant has been closely related to spiritual and voodoo practices due to its hallucinogenic properties. The hallucinogenic properties can be potentially fatally toxic and even a slightly higher dosage can result in hospitalization and death.




Backpackers often mistake its white carrot like root for horseradish or some other herb. Contact with the plant can cause tingling, heart problems, etc. Consuming the plant can cause burning in the mouth, vomiting, diarrhea, a tingling sensation on the skin, and sometimes even death.


Ageratina Altissima aka White Snakeroot

Credited with killing Abraham Lincoln's mother. The plants are poisonous to people, horses, goats, and sheep. In humans, symptoms include bad breath, loss of appetite, muscle stiffness, vomiting, coma, and possibly death.


Taxus Baccata or the English Yew

Taxus Baccata or the English Yew

All parts except the bark are poisonous. Consumption of the leaves can cause dizziness, dry mouth, dilation of the pupils, weakness, irregular heart rhythm, and possibly death.


Castor Oil Plant

Castor Oil Plant

You must have heard about castor oil, a vegetable oil used for food.Castor poisoning can cause nausea, abdominal cramps, vomiting, internal bleeding, and kidney failure.


Atropa Belladonna or Deadly Nightshade

Atropa Belladonna or Deadly Nightshade

The deadly nightshade grows to a height of 1.5 meters and has dark green leaves, and bell shaped purple flowers. It's one of the few plants which are deadly for human beings but completely safe for animals and birds. The deadly poison attacks the nervous system, rendering the nerve endings in involuntary muscle paralysis.


Abrus Precatorius or Rosary Pea

Abrus Precatorius or Rosary Pea

The rosary pea contains black and red seeds. The seeds are completely safe until the outside coat is scratched or damaged. The pea seeds contain the poison abrin. About 2.5 milligrams of abrin is enough to kill a human, and each pea possesses more poison than the above mentioned amount.


Cicuta or Water Hemlock

Cicuta or Water Hemlock

This plant contains a deadly toxin, cicutoxin, which is concentrated mainly in the roots. Cicutoxin causes violent and painful convulsions, nausea, vomiting, cramps, and muscle tremors. Those who survive the poisoning experience long-term health conditions, such as amnesia. No amount of water hemlock root is considered safe to ingest.


Nerium Oleander

Nerium Oleander

Probably the most poisonous plant on the earth, every part of this plant is full of toxins. An oleander's poison is so strong that it can poison a person who eats the honey made by bees that have digested oleander nectar. The toxin remains deadly for approximately the first 24 hours after insumed , the odds of survival increase dramatically if the patient survives for a few hours.