Listly by 1laura-sanders
Helpful Websites to use for your career projects/presentations! There are three sites to help you acquire career information according to project write up. There are several sites to help you find images, infographs and videos. Last, there is a site to help you with translation of unknown words and conjugations.
Enter your occupation and a zipcode to get career specific information. Explore nearly 1,000 occupations and careers.
Enter an occupation under Keyword / O*NET-SOC code to search for information on occupations.
Click on one of the occupation groups and then narrow by job title to find all types of career info. The Occupational Outlook Handbook is the government's premier source of career guidance featuring hundreds of occupations—such as carpenters, teachers, and veterinarians. Revised every 2 years, the latest version contains employment projections for the 2014-24 decade.
Usa para ver como son infográficos y para encontrar algunos que puedes usar en tus presentaciones. The internet’s best source of curated infographics. We help you learn something new everyday. permite acceder a la información mundial en castellano, catalán, gallego, euskara e inglés. Usa para encontrar videos y infográficos en español.
Puedes encontrar fotos y infograficos para usar en tu presentacion. Use your occupations and statistics or salary or other key words to find those applicable to your chosen job.
Free online dictionaries. Conjugations, audio pronunciations and forums for your questions. You can look up words that you don't know as well as conjugations you are unsure of.
Use this site to discover the similarities and differences of unions verses professional associations. Then based on information learned, try to find unions or associations specific to your career. This site will be arguing in favor of unions, but this is really just to explain the differences between the two and help you locate any unions or professional organizations related to your chosen career.