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Updated by Joanna James on May 02, 2024
Joanna James Joanna James
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05 Awesome Things to Do in Maldives – Adventures and Experiences of a Lifetime

Maldives is an archipelago of 26 atolls and 1,190 coral islands. The place is a tropical haven of sun sand and surf. Home to an ancient culture there is much to discover and do in the Maldives.


Dive at Banana Reef

This is the first dive site made popular in the Maldives which has since been discovered as one of the world's top dive locations. A geographically diverse reef the place is home to caves, cliffs and overhangs. The marine life is utterly stunning comprising of reef sharks, barracudas, moray eels, manta rays, gropers, jackfish and bluefish snappers. You have a choice of scuba diving to the depths of the reef or snorkelling and enjoying the view and activity from above the reef.


Check Out the Wreck - Maldive Victory

Taking scuba diving to more exciting heights the Maldive Victory offers an extremely exciting dive. The wreck was once a cargo ship that was sunk back in 1981; today it is a thriving habitat of corals and marine life. Weave your way in and out of the wreck discovering vivacious coral formations, sponges, tubastrea and little schools of tropical fish. Strong currents render this a challenging dive while also drawing in many forms of marine species for you to observe.


Absorb the Culture – Hukuru Miskiiy

Built in 1656 this is the oldest mosque on the archipelago. The staunchly Muslim destination is proud of its heritage and Hukuru Miskiiy is a fine example. The walls are built from pink coral stones while the insides are inlaid with Arabic scripts. The doors and windows are decorated with traditional wood carvings while the adjoining cemetery is the resting place for past sultans, kings, queens and national heroes.


Visit the National Museum

The National Museum of the Maldives is a must visit for avid culture buffs and those curious about the nations ancient culture. The place well chronicles the fisher nations journey through time with some displays dating back to before the Maldives was a Muslim nation. Artefacts that give one an insight to how the archipelago was inhabited and how it fought for independence from the colonist are sure to pique your interest. Explore your holiday options to the archipelago and choose from cultural escapades to ocean adventures; at Vacation Maldives the choice is yours.


Dive at Fishhead

Fishhead better known as Mushimasmingali Thila is a world famous dive site especially popular for its population of grey reef sharks. The thila is made up of multiple ledges amongst which diverse marine life, corals and other plankton are found. Due to the rich source of food found amongst the ledges the sharp vertical reef attracts a diverse range of marine life such as large schools of hungry barracudas. Look out for sea fans, beautiful black corals, anemones, fusiliers, napoleons and many more. As you can see the country offers diverse experiences. Plan your getaway by choosing tailor-made Maldives holiday packages; this way you can enjoy the most awesome adventures across the islands.