Our BJJ Tournaments desire to provide and deliver such a perfect experience has resulted in the BJJ Connection Grappling & Jiu Jitsu Tournament tremendous growth with constant praise of our events. The World Jiu-Jitsu Championship (commonly known as Mundials) is the most prestigious Brazilian jiu jitsu Tournaments in the world. They are hosted annually by the International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation. Brazilian jiu jitsu tournaments are physically and mentally demanding. Depending on the tournament, competitors can spend all day sitting around waiting for their turn. You can take a look at a list of the best BJJ tournament in Florida so that you might be able to target where and when you might want to visit.
BJJ Connection Grappling & Jiu Jitsu Tournament
18663 Ventura Blvd
Telephone: 310-893-4978
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