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Updated by Hope For Your Story on Oct 01, 2024
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Infidelity: How To Move Forward

Discovering your spouse has been unfaithful is devastating, and there’s simply no easy way forward. Our hearts go out to anyone reeling from the revelation that their husband or wife has engaged in an affair. As you struggle to make decisions and consider the best response for your particular set of circumstances, we hope these resources will provide the encouragement, wisdom, and clarity you’re seeking.

Should I Get a Divorce?

No couple goes into marriage thinking they'll be the ones who won't make it.

Al and Lisa Robertson: Rebuilding After an Affair

He’s often referred to as “the beardless brother”; she’s known as the original Robertson daughter-in-law. Together they are the most recent addition to the Robertson family television series, “Duck Dynasty.” But Al and Lisa Robertson have so much more to say than just their lines on A&E’s family-friendly television show.

The Scruggs

It was love at first sight for Cheryl and Jeff. Young and ambitious, the two fell in love and and got married. They had it all: ocean view home, the right clothes, the best jobs and there was nothing to want for that money could buy. But what about the things money couldn’t buy? Like happiness or love. Cheryl found herself secretly discontent and began to question her love for Jeff. Jeff, on the other hand went on oblivious to the true feelings his wife harbored and slowly, they drifted apart… Cheryl into the arms of another man.

Marital Infidelity: Recovery for Both Wounded Spouses

There is nothing simplistic about it — it’s heartrending. It’s a place in which you never thought you’d find yourself, or you never dreamt that couple would find themselves. It’s a pain no couple plans to share: infidelity.

Infidelity — To Tell Or Not To Tell Your Spouse?

If you've been unfaithful in your marriage and you're wondering what to do now, Dr. Greg Smalley explains 10 reasons to have a talk with your spouse.

A Marriage Intensive Experience - Hope Restored

If you or a couple you know are experiencing significant marital distress, Hope Restored marriage intensive programs can help.

After An Affair Is Ongoing Contact With the Other Person Ok?

Over the years Emerson has received hundred of emails regarding affairs, often from the betrayed spouse asking what they should do.  Both Emerson and Jonathan have also listened to countless stories of infidelity as they counsel individuals and couples.  Join them this week as they explore a response Emerson wrote to a man who wondered if he was handling things correctly following an affair.  This message is applicable for husband and wife, both the betrayed and the betrayer.  

My Wife’s Affair Devastated Me

Many people carry issues from their upbringing into their marriages. We can easily justify why we act or react to a situation, yet we judge how our spouse acts or reacts.

Unfaithful: Hope and Healing After Infidelity

Statistics show that one in every four marriages is impacted by infidelity. So the odds are pretty good that you or someone you know has experienced the searing pain of marital infidelity. But adultery is not an automatic death sentence for your marriage. You can trust again. You can restore intimacy. You can have a relationship that you will both cherish for a lifetime.

Torn Asunder

Written by respected pastor and marriage counselor Dave Carder, this revised and expanded version of Torn Asunder sorts through the factors that contribute to infidelity and then maps out a recovery process for both partners. With compassion and wisdom rooted in the Bible, Carder offers insight for the victims of adultery, the perpetrators, and those who seek to help hurting couples.

Nothing to Hide: Hope for Marriages Hurt by Pornography and Infidelity

If your spouse has violated the wedding vows through habitual pornography use (Internet, videos, magazines), strip clubs, sexual chat rooms, phone sex, affairs or prostitutes, this booklet will provide specific suggestions, guidelines and hope.

Recovery and Reconciliation: Emotional and Sexual Affairs Compared

Is the recovery and reconciliation process as difficult for an emotional affair as compared to infidelity involving sexual activity? What are the differences?

Just Discovered That Spouse Has Had an Affair

I've just discovered that my spouse has been cheating on me. As you can imagine, I was devastated when I first learned of his infidelity, and I still haven't recovered from the shock. I have not confronted him yet and have no idea what I'm going to do. Can you give me some direction?

Hope for Marriages

Jeff & Cheryl Scruggs are authors, speakers, Biblical counselors, and partners all over again. Their writings include the well-known book “I Do Again,” their 30 year story of marriage, betrayal, infidelity, divorce, emotional damage and scarring, forgiveness, restoration, trust, and re-marriage.

I Do Again

""I Do Again"" reveals the hidden secrets that slowly destroyed this marriage and the spiritual awakening that opened the way to healing. A riveting account of the power of prayer and redemption, this remarkable book offers renewed hope for even the most troubled marriages and reveals why the rewards of restoration are well worth the wait.""


Kerby explores myths about adultery and offers suggestions for preventing it by meeting spouses' needs.


There is hope for healing from an affair and adultery. Hope and Healing is an affair recovery, that offers help for affair recovery.

Jason Castro

Jason Castro has had a secret. And it nearly cost him his marriage. After starring on season seven of "American Idol," Castro went on tour. While the show kept him busy, a sense of loneliness set in after. He ran towards porn, which eventually led to him cheating on his girlfriend and future wife, Mandy.

The Parks

Infidelity. Unhappiness. Discontent. It wasn’t meant to be like this. The vows spoken at the altar of unconditional love –no matter how good or bad life...gets– seemed to be forgotten. To Katie and Nathan, they no longer seemed to matter. “We were just driving each other apart, into someone else’s arms.” So how did they survive when they found themselves mentally divorced yet existing in the same home, wearing a worn smile and living a routine life? The real question is simply this: was there hope for them? Find out how this couple, whom God joined together could not be torn apart.

How a Marriage Can Survive Infidelity

Even when this happens, all is not lost. God can heal any relationship.

Four Steps to Rebuild Trust

Trust is essential for any healthy relationship. But trust is also tricky, especially in the wake of betrayal. How can we work to recover lost trust?

Pornography and Virtual Infidelity

The photograph was invented in 1839, and in just 11 quick years the word “pornographer‚” was seeded into our dictionary — unaware of the Zeus-like power and combustive fury that was to come as virtual infidelity would some day be as close as a harmless-blue Click Here.

  • Life is full of surprises, challenges and questions – and sometimes we all need help finding answers. Are you struggling in your marriage? Is your son or daughter involved in activities that have you worried? Or maybe you’re facing an unexpected pregnancy or navigating conflict with your aging parents. Whether you’re in the midst of a major crisis or simply a perplexing situation, we have compiled resources that can point you in the right direction. And remember – we’re constantly updating our content, so check back frequently for the latest and greatest resources.

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