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Updated by Randy Marudino on Aug 02, 2017
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Infrastructure Development

Infrastructure Development is not one of the usual topics in here maybe? Can you trust me?

The Reason to Invest in Infrastructure Fund

There are kinds of different schemes that commonly come with the mutual funds in constant ways. You may have found many writings about large, mid and small cap funds as well as kinds of sectoral funds. However, there are not many people that know about infrastructure funds and also the performance.

Prioritas Pembangunan Infrastruktur Indonesia

Negara Indonesia yang terus mencoba membangun infrastruktur Indonesia untuk kepentingan masyarakat Indonesia memang perlu diapresiasi, namun sering kali hal tersebut tidak sejalan dengan adanya koordinasi yang baik dari pemerintah sehingga kemudian akhirnya pembangunan infrastruktur Indonesia itu tidak berjalan dengan baik dan justru berhenti di tengah jalan. Namun tentu saja ada pembangunan yang diselesaikan dengan sangat baik. Namun sebagai negara yang masih berkembang maka tentunya ke depannya masih ada banyak sekali hal yang mesti diperbarui dari pembangunan infrastruktur Indonesia sehingga Indonesia bisa dikategorikan sebagai negara yang lebih maju. Dalam hal ekonomi, di Asia  setidaknya Indonesia sudah berhasil memperlihatkan cakarnya, dalam hal pembangunan, masih ada banyak sekali yang harus terus dibenahi dan ditambah untuk kemajuan negara.

Infrastructure Financing Company | PT SMI

PT SMI plays active role in facilitating infrastructure financing as well as preparing project and serving advisory for infrastructure projects in Indonesia. 

The ADB or Asian Development Bank is the bank that provide financing for the country development, this bank has focus on many Southeast Asian countries – one of them being Indonesia. As one of the countries in ASEAN, Indonesia is known for a country which boasts an incredible economy. Not only the largest, it is also the most dynamic in terms of growth. With more than 3 millions of people reported to have come out of the poverty line since 2009, which is an impressive accomplishment judging from the scale.

Not many of us are aware of the existence of Indonesia Infrastructure Finance. Often abbreviated to IIF, this financial institution stands under the Ministry of

Investing Power Plant Future So - randruin | ello

Investing in Power Plant for Future Solution

In this global era, it is obvious that power is needed, it does not matter if it is the kind of power you need in order to move people or the power you need to switch on a lamp. As we all know, electricity is one of power that we need in our everyday life. We depend on it so much that we use it almost every time. Since it is still there, we never think that we run out of electricity. The problem will come when we have no electricity anymore. What should we do when there is no electricity to charge our smartphone?

Because of that kind of thought, researchers nowadays are looking for a solution to invent new power source that will be ready to replace electricity later. Without a doubt, people will look for another way in order to get the power used in their life. They even dare to buy it. That is why when you need it as well, you can try to have power plant investment. This is obviously a great idea for you who like investment since it will be fruitful later. You can try using it at its best. It is very great for you to do so.

When it comes to investment, you know that it is never be wrong to invest in power plant. The answer is simply because there is no one who does not need power. Once it is invented, you will find it very helpful if you have another way to light up a lamp instead of using electricity. When the electricity runs out, you will find that people are looking for its replacement. Here, you can gain a lot of benefit that you can never imagine before. You should make sure that you try to invest. img-drop

Randy Marudino

Randy Marudino is on Mixcloud. Join to listen to great radio shows, DJ mix sets and Podcasts

Pemerintah daerah dapat melakukan pinjaman dari pemerintah pusat, lembaga keuangan, atau sumber dana lainnya untuk meningkatkan penerimaan daerah dalam rangka mempercepat proses pembangunan suatu daerah. Untuk melakukan pinjaman tersebut, ada serangkaian prosedur yang harus dilaksanakan. Berikut ini penjelasannya

An Online Store Out of the Box

Selling goods and services is often an important part of an Online Business. With BC, we've got eCommerce capabilities built right into the platform, so that you can avoid the pain of custom coding and fiddly configuration.

3 Alasan Jalur Pantura Selalu Dibenahi Setiap Tahun

Anggaran pemerintah untuk pembangunan infrastruktur setiap tahunnya selalu meningkat. Bahkan untuk tahun ini saja, kenaikan ada sekitar 8% dari anggaran pembangunan infrastruktur tahun 2016 yang salah satunya ditujukan untuk pembangunan jalan sebagai penghubung alat transportasi darat. Berbicara...

Sarana Multi Infrastruktur

PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur adalah salah satu dari 4 Badan Usaha Milik Negara yang bergerak di bawah pengawasan Kementrian Keuangan Republik Indonesia. Didirikan pada 26
Februari 2009, PTSMI bertugas sebagai katalis dalam pembangunan infrastruktur melalui proses pembiayaan. Selain menyediakan jasa pembiayaan, PTSMI juga menyediakan jasa
konsultasi dan persiapan proyek.




Talking about the infrastructure fund in Indonesia, it is indeed a little bit puzzling. In one point, Indonesia is indeed a large country that should be rich. However, it is quite surprising that the budgets spent for infrastructure investment and fund tends to be limited. To learn more about this case, we can take a look other countries in Asia as the comparison. The quality of infrastructure in Indonesia is less than other countries including Singapore, Japan, China and even India. The first rank is occupied by Singapore from all countries in Asia with score of 6.5. For more information, the range of score is from 1 to 7 in which 7 is the highest score of all. Meanwhile, the quality of Indonesia’s infrastructure is on the rank of 92 with score of 3.7 as it is seen from the quality of road, public facilities, and the availability of electricity. It is although the rank is still above Philippines. Of course, it gives any other effects. Some of them are regarding the logistic fund which is quite high and not competitive as it is stated by the logistic performance index in 2014 shown by the number of 3.08.
If we look for what causes this problem, it is mainly due to the funding system. The budgets for infrastructure investment tend to be lower. It is only 2.3% from the total of gross domestic product. When it is combined with other funding resources; they are from national, regional, and private budgets. The national and regional budgets from government are the main sources. Meanwhile, the fund obtained from private companies is still considered as low. Recently, the government still tries to improve the quality of infrastructure. One of the ways is by letting all sides including the private sector to give more contribution to fund the infrastructures to be developed.

How to Do the Infrastructure Fund Effectively

Indonesia is indeed known as one of the rich countries in term of natural resources. Unfortunately, this is not balanced with the development of infrastructure. Yes, the development of infrastructure still becomes a big problem. It is mainly due to the area of this country which is large as well as it consists of thousand islands. It just makes the development only focuses on certain areas only particularly in Java. So, how about the rest? Many of them are still not touched by necessary development. It of course generates other problems particularly in term of welfare. Besides, the quality of infrastructure itself is also still less when it is compared with any other countries in Asia like Singapore, China, and even India.

Pinjaman Rumah Sakit Untuk Fasilitas Kesehatan Yang Lebih Memadai

Ternyata tidak hanya usaha bisnis atau beli rumah baru saja yang bisa dijadikan alasan untuk mengajukan pinjaman. Jika Anda saat ini mengelola atau memiliki institusi kesehatan seperti misalnya rumah sakit, ada produk pinjaman rumah sakit atau hospital loan yang bisa Anda manfaatkan untuk melancarkan kegiatan operasional di rumah sakit Anda. Pinjaman rumah sakit adalah pinjaman yang diberikan untuk membiayai segala kebutuhan operasional rumah sakit dan fasilitas kesehatan lainnya misalnya untuk pembelian mesin, tempat tidur, berbagai macam peralatan yang dibutuhkan untuk maintenance, dan hal-hal lain yang berhubungan dengan operasional rumah sakit. Pinjaman rumah sakit bisa didapatkan dengan jalur mandiri atau jalur pemerintah yang biasanya diwujudkan dalam bentuk pinjaman daerah untuk pembangunan fasilitas kesehatan.