List of suggestions offered to a modern pilgrim...
Pilgrimage may be long ( even thousands of miles/kilometres ) or short (trip to an event)...
Pilgrimage may be serious, fun or both.
Preparing for the pilgrimage is an integral part of the pilgrimage...
A "modern" pilgrim may travel in the style of the ancients - or with mobile wifi.
Pilgrims walk, run, drive... Pilgrims may be carried, use wheelchairs or even a donkey or horse. Pilgrims may travel alone or in company...
Start with the end in mind
Travel mindfully & heartfully
Be bold & careful
Take 2 maps - one for the road - one for the spirit
Marketing guy - Podcaster/Livestreamer - Toastmaster -Poet - Father - Blogger - naturally ambitious & I love to connect. Live in Cork Ireland Europe