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Updated by UBI Advocates on Jun 11, 2018
Headline for More than 50 reasons Why UBI is Increasingly Imperative
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More than 50 reasons Why UBI is Increasingly Imperative

UPDATE: This list is now More Than 100 Reasons Why UBI is Increasingly Imperative

Below will be a collection of links showing WHY each and every day the imperative of enacting Universal Unconditional Basic Income increases, even in "first-world" society.

New to UBI? READ THIS: Basic Income 101: OR read these:

Please read the evidence on how UBI can help with these major issues facing the nation- and the world:

Basic Income 101: http://UBI.EARTH

This Is Your Brain on Poverty -Data visualizations highlight the surprising connections between income and brain stru...

Data visualizations highlight the surprising connections between income and brain structure

Cumulative deprivation- suicide, pain, and social isolation

Cumulative deprivation- suicide, pain, and social isolation based on year of birth. Drug mortality, and labor force participation, heavy drinking. Stats via Scott Santens on Twitter

Poisoning, suicide and alcohol-related liver mortalities are increasing dramatically.

Graph via — Poisoning, suicide and alcohol-related liver mortalities are increasing dramatically.


Wages vs. Productivity around the world

Wages vs. Productivity around the world

What seems to have started in 1970 has sent shockwaves around the world, some argue that when Nixon enacted wage & price controls and Reagan increased privatization (what used to be called denationalizing), governments around the world seemed to follow by increasing similar privatization measures while decreasing labor union power and cutting back on things like welfare, as conservative leaders increased certain types of public taxes such as a "community tax" or japans "consumption tax" that puts the burden on community members, and seemed to help take union groups/parties out of power, many policies aligned with austerity measures now proven far more damaging than helpful — but not so much to the already wealthy — who still retained the fruits of steady productivity gains.

Prominent US Economists Bernstein and Mishel claim that it all started from something that happened in the USA. One Economist wrote a paper explaining that "The government imposed wage and price-setting institutions in place from August 1971 to April 1974 shifted the balance of power between capital and labor. When these formal institutions were eliminated in April 1974, the government-caused shift in the balance of power between capital and labor was not reversed. Rather, this shift in the balance of power was maintained through informal institutions, and these informal institutions set in motion the decline in real wages that started after 1973."

Death by Fentanyl, Part 1: The ‘serial killer’ of drugs

A dangerous opiate called fentanyl is turning one of the worst drug epidemics in U.S. history even deadlier. In the The Naked Truth’s series premiere, Fusion...

A dangerous opiate called fentanyl is turning one of the worst drug epidemics in U.S. history even deadlier.

Peter Temin, Professor Emeritus of Economics at MIT - America is Regressing into a Developing Nation for Most People

A new book by economist Peter Temin finds that the U.S. is no longer one country, but dividing into two separate economic and political worlds

Burnout on the Job Is on the Rise

The cause is the sinking-lid/cut-backs (austerity) policy being enacted in most industries — the majority of the video tries to treat the symptoms focusing on the individual rather than cause: the company culture.

Sinking lid: "A policy of lowering staff numbers by not replacing workers who resign or retire, typically in public services"

"Technology facilitates an "always-on" mentality"

"Business have to tie "Emotional Wellness with Production""

"Previouosly 50%, now 70% anxiety calls for help" People "Ending up in the Emergency Room"

Ramp up of Anxiety - Uncertainty - Stress - Emotional Unstability - Purposelessness - Relationship Burnout - Workers Emotionally Exhausted

The real problem is "dog-eat-dog mentality of profit-before-people" ignoring the health and wellness of workers.

U.S. inequality keeps getting uglier

Achieving the 'American Dream' of earning more than their parents have fallen from 90% to 50% over the past half century. The gap between the 'haves' and 'have nots' is growing, according to new research out this week.


Children's prospects of earning more than their parents have fallen from 90% to 50% over the past half century.

We are quickly heading toward a near future where tent cities are normal.

Tent cities are popping up all over the world. This one site is said to have attracted a gang of men threatening "residents" and stealing property such as phones, gas stoves and cash from them. Studies have shown that UBI significantly reduces crime and poverty, and will likely dissolve tent cities.

Research shows that, in contrast to earlier times, most people today are unable to identify any sort of philosophy of life or set of guiding principles. Without an existential compass, the commercialized mind gravitates toward a ‘philosophy of futility’, — "The consequent feeling of being forsaken and on the wrong life track is easily mistaken for depression, or even unhappiness, but in fact it is the type of demoralization that most consumer beings will experience to some degree." — "The real task is somehow to treat a sick culture rather than its sick individuals. Erich Fromm sums up this challenge: ‘We can’t make people sane by making them adjust to this society. We need a society that is adjusted to the needs of people.’"

Percentage of Young Americans Living With Parents Rises to 75-Year High

Almost 40% of young Americans were living with their parents, siblings or other relatives in 2015, the largest percentage since 1940

Neoliberalism has brought out the worst in us | Paul Verhaeghe

Paul Verhaeghe: An economic system that rewards psychopathic personality traits has changed our ethics and our personalities

Universal Basic Income reduces the damage caused by Neoliberalism.

U.S. Suicide Rate Surges to a 30-Year High

Rates increased among almost all groups, a federal data analysis found, with women and middle-aged Americans hit particularly hard.

The median 30 year old American's net worth has dropped in half since 2007

California Squashes Its Young

A recent United Way study found that close to one-third of state residents can barely pay their bills, largely due to housing costs. When adjusted for these costs, California leads all states—even historically poor Mississippi—in the percentage of its people living in poverty.

The chronic stress of childhood poverty can trigger physical changes that have lifelong psychological effects, a study of adult brains has shown.

Inside the student debt crisis: 44 million are in $1.4 trillion in debt

"About 8.1 million people are in default right now, which is more than the population in 38 states. "

It's spiraling out of control. Some 41 million Americans owe $1.4 trillion in federal student loan debt, which is nearly more than all of the credit card and car loan debt in the US.

A Little-Noticed Fact About Trade: It’s No Longer Rising

There are signs that the slowdown is becoming structural. Developed nations appear to be backing away from globalization.

Millennial Home Ownership Shrinks as Student Debt Grows

At the beginning of 2016, the home ownership rate for those 30 and under sat at about 27.7%, the lowest it has been in decades.

Many millenial's don't even dream of living in a home - it is "not even on the radar".

What's it like for youngsters in SF?

A New Study Shows How Severe Inequality Is — and How Little We’re Doing About It

The average income for the bottom 50 percent is the same as in 1980 — while the average income for the top one percent has more than tripled.

Millions Rolling on Bald Tires putting themselves and others at risk

Millions of drivers are sporting at least one bald tire, putting themselves and others at risk, according to research by the RMA. SURVEY