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Updated by s715870 on Mar 27, 2017
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Thinglink Project: Still Life Art

Here is a list of some resources you may use to help you better improve your art skills as you work on creating your very first still life art masterpiece!
Missouri Learning Standard: 3A Grade 2: Still Life- Create an original still life or landscape from observation

Learn to Draw

This website has all sorts of step by step picture tutorials on how to draw various still life items and landscape items. I love this website because it incorporates a large portion of the topics we will be going over during our still life/landscape section next month! This website has easy to print worksheets and coloring pages and lots of tutorials on any possible thing you could want to draw!

Color, Draw & Paint

This website's main focus is art related games. I think one of the best ways children learn is through games. Children already love playing games, and while making it educational and a great learning opportunity, the students won't even realize they're doing school (sssshh)! This website is easy for kids to navigate, research, and explore as they enhance their art skills.

Harcourt Art

This fun website has several interactive art related activities and games. Learn about famous paintings, painters, and how to make them yourself as you navigate this very easy to use website. The format of the site is very simple, a little outdated, but engaging enough to keep kids interested.

Kids Art Project - Still Life Drawing

This video is all about simple still life drawing. Still life drawing is my favorite type of drawing and I am so excited for our upcoming lesson on it! This video just gives you a basic introduction to the fundamentals of still life drawing. It may be a lot more complex then you're ready for but it's a good introduction to the endless possibilities!

How To Draw and Paint House, Tree In The Garden

This video teaches children how to draw a simple tree/flower/house landscape. We will be covering landscapes in one of our lessons in the future. This video is easy to follow along with and I recommend pulling out a piece of paper and painting/drawing along with the artist!

Teaching Kids How to Draw: How to Draw a Boy's Face

This video is teaching students how to draw a boy's (or girl) face. In art class we will have a section on self portraits and I thought this was a great video tutorial on how to make your self portaits a little more lifelike. The video is not very long and it's easy to follow and understand.

Art Quote

This is just a simple image I found online that I really love. Too many times kids are told to be clean and not make a mess. Well, I believe art SHOULD be messy!

How To Draw a Person

This website teaches children how to go beyond just drawing stick figures and learn how to give the people they draw, just a little more depth. I chose this website because I know a lot of my students are interested in improving their art skills. This website is easy to navigate and good for parents and students to work through together.

Free Art Game for Kids- Drawing Pad

I am super excited about this website! Leo is a fun and interactive boy who is the subject of the website. Students may go through step by step and learn how to draw all sorts of things that will pertain to what they're learning in class through games. The website is kid friendly and easy to navigate.

Cartoon Characters You Know Archives - How to Draw Step by Step Drawing Tutorials

This website focuses on teaching kids to draw fun cartoons of their favorite characters. I thought it would be fun to have a website on here that was a little different and could better relate to the students more. It is fun and easy to understand platform where students can choose from a variety of tutorials.