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Updated by FitBodyHome on Feb 12, 2022
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Calisthenics Abs and Core Workout Programs

Check out the best calisthenics workout routines for abs and learn the most efficient body weightexercises to train your entire core.



Abs of Steel

Abs of Steel

This is a good beginner routine to start with that can be done at home. Seems to be easy since only 10 reps are recommended, but after three sets you will feel the burn.

Calisthenics Beginner Abs Workout

This is similar to the previous beginner one but with more reps. I would also add the Superman exercise for lower back training.

Abs Exercises on Dip & Pull Up Bar Tutorial

Well, the title of the video says it is for beginners, but it is too hard for a newbie for sure. But, I put this video on this list because you can learn the best moves you can do on the pull up bar and parallel dip bars and how to perform them correctly. Plus, it 's nice to see how the muscles are engaged during the movements.


Calisthenics Core Workout for Beginners

Calisthenics Core Workout for Beginners

Another beginner routine, but I like that burpees and mountain climber are included. These are excellent moves to burn belly fat because they not only strengthen the abs, but they are also great cardio exercises. Plus, knee raise is included which good starting for bar leg lifts and works the lower abs efficiently.


Abs & Core Routine

Abs & Core Routine

This is an intermediate routine since harder moves such as front lever and l-sit to bent arm handstand are included that require existing routine and strength.

Calisthenics Six Pack Abs Workout Routine

This workout is for the lovers of leg lifts, like me. Maybe I have told, but the leg lift and its various are the best for the midsection for sure. I also, like that in this routine the Dragon Flag (Bruce Lee) is added. And one more thing this guy is a good example that you can workout wherever you want. You don't need to go to a fancy gym to have a perfect body.

Ab Wheel Extreme Progressive Exercises

As I mentioned before the ab wheel is a highly useful equipment to boost the strength of your core, but it also works your shoulders and chest. From this video, you can learn how to do the ab wheel exercise correctly, plus advanced variations to kill your midsection.

Calisthenics Core Progression from Beginner to Advanced

There are two reasons why I love this video. Firstly, because we can learn powerful bodyweight lower back exercises. A strong lower back is crucial for any sport and to avoid back injuries.

The second reason why I recommend to check it out is that you can learn gymnastic ring abdominal exercises. Frankly, I have not tried them since I have no rings yet, but I'm sure they need extreme strength.

Frank Medrano's Calisthenics Abs Workout

Medrano is one of the most famous icons of the street workout guys. From this video, you can learn what type of abdominal slicing exercises he does for ripped abs.

Calisthenics Oblique Workout

From this video you can learn a few moves for your side abs that you can do at home without the need of any equipment.


The 8 Pack Abs Workout

The 8 Pack Abs Workout

If you are a pro, this routine is for you. 5-minute legs hold, 250 sit ups, 25 dragon flags. OMG! If you can do it, you are a superman.

79 Core Exercises

Wasn't enough? From this video, you can learn even more moves to train your abs with bodyweight exercises such as various planks.