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Updated by Paul Hugh O'Mahony on Jul 13, 2023
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Audioboos Loved and Made today Tuesday 10 July 2012

We have a place where we can share with each other a List of Audios we've loved today

Our morning message is great - by @omaniblog

#thegreatmessage starts today - starts building great community - kickstarts each day in a great way - unscripted - from heart to heart - great

The Knock At The Door. - by @andymooseman

Saturday was an interesting and eventful day.

(Beautifully ordinary...)

A Conversation with CEO Mark Rock of @Audioboo - by @boydjane

This conversation was recorded via a G+ Hangout "On Air" between myself and Mark Rock on July 9, 2012 as part of #45Conversations. Mark and I talked about how sound and audio is social, family and examples of how people are using Audioboo. It is part of #45Conversations.

Golf - putter, wedge, sandcastles - girls talk

#Omanidot & her friend in the car on their way to MonkeyMaze in Cork - the father is found out making an undisclosed recording - ends when an iPhone App is loaded up

Contemplating the digital beyond - by @documentally

Will our digital cultural histories die as our networks fade?

("Audioboo" - what a great case for audio Christian Payne makes... Listening to this helped me worry more thoughtfully...
Friendfeed... I don't know... sounds worth checking out... amazing potential...

Very important - I found this - we are fortunate to have @documentally thinking on our behalf...

Horses are on the agenda - #omanidot gallops on her way - by @omaniblog

Tuesday 10 July 2012
Hop Island Equestrian Centre, Cork, Ireland
#omanidot on summer camp for 4 days - starts here

On selling a million ebooks - by @topgold

Excerpts from John Locke.

(This is full of advice which may help more than e-book authors...)

Soundseekers BBC Radio 4 Appeal

Annette Crosbie explains that it is her own deafness that led her to make the Radio 4 Appeal for the charity Soundseekers

(Wonderful appeal for help for children - made by a woman who's blind herself)

Write less and take your time - by @gregmcqueen

Just a few thoughts as I write an article about switching from Mac OS X to Linux, Ubuntu.

Music for business - by @omaniblog

Made specially & exclusively for #smarteregg business learning group

Walking the dog on Tuesday night by @omaniblog

Tuesday 10 July 2012
#walkingthedog to exercise him but mainly to unwind before sleep