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Updated by The Library on Sep 05, 2018
Headline for Information Literacy
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Information Literacy

Online resources on Information Literacy and its importance for lifelong learning and participative citizenship.

Critical thinking tools – the CRAP test

For two months now fake news has been the news.  So, how can educators help students to develop the skills they need to evaluate information? One tool is the CRAP test.

Mitchell, P. (2017, January 16). Critical thinking tools – the CRAP test. Retrieved March 17, 2017, from

Global Perspectives on Information Literacy: Fostering a dialogue for International understanding

A white paper written by information literacy experts from around the world sharing individual perpsectives that demonstrate how information literacy is viewed, taught, and conceptualised internationally. The paper is divided into thirteen chapters covering topics such as:

  • Research trends
  • Models of information literacy
  • Theory and practice = praxis
  • Role of Librarians
  • Future visioning__
Illustration of Practice - Information Literacy

This illustration of practice presents a teacher librarian working with colleagues to collaboratively plan, teach and evaluate a research unit of work.

Article by Christine Bruce explores a range of studies exploring the information and learning experiences of many groups and highlights the critically important nature of information literacy in everyday life.

Joint statement on information literacy

Joint statement from Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and Australian School Library Association (ASLA) describing what information literacy is in the context of a school.

Teaching Information Literacy Now

An interesting article posted by Laura Gardner on rethinking how we teach evaluation of online sources to students. This article featured in the School Library Journal's Extra Helping enewsletter on November 28, 2016.


'What do Teacher Librarians teach?' infographic created by Joyce Valenza.