Listly by Shawn Davies
This list is to help aid students with understanding of the 8th Grade Georgia Studies standard: SS8H6 The student will analyze the impact of the Civil War and Reconstruction on Georgia Included in this list will be the Civil War and the issues that led to the Civil War.
The Battle of Chickamauga was 1st real battle to be fought in the state of Georgia. It last for three day and at 34,000 killed is the second bloodiest battle of the Civil War. This gives students a better understanding of the battle itself.
This video gives the students a great understanding of the reason for Sherman's March from Atlanta to the Sea.
This page gives students a deeper understanding of the Dred Scott case, decision, and how it led us closer to the Civil War
The short clip and summary gives my students a better understanding of the Missouri Compromise and how it led the country closer to the Civil War
This article gives my students more knowledge on the Compromise of 1850, specifically on how the compromise was unfair how each sided prevented the other from accomplishing anything.
The Kansas-Nebraska was a major issue that led to the Civil War and this article helps give the students more insight on the issue.
The website goes further in depth on the Kansas-Nebraska Act. The site includes two video discussions over the act, and in-depth summary, and a political cartoon describing the act.
The site helps students understand the Anaconda Plan that was used to cut off the South from receiving supplies from Europe.
This educational video gives our students a great visual understanding of the March to the Sea, and how it effected the outcome of the Civil War.
The Election of 1860 was one of the last straws that led to the Civil War and this article gives students some insight on what happen during the election.