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Updated by quality herb on Mar 02, 2017
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What are the side effects of Tea Polyphenols?

Tea Polyphenols is one of the main components of green tea. This element is high antioxidant and provides you with all the essential benefits. But if taken overdose it can bring some serious health hazardous.
The phenolic substance in tea denotes to the phenols and polyphenols, natural herbal complexes which are found in tea. These biochemical compounds affect the essence and taste of the tea and are speculated to deliver latent health

What are the side effects of Tea Polyphenols?

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Astragalus Root Extract: Unlocking its magical anti-aging powers

Ask any woman about what is that one thing that they fear most and the answer will “getting old.” Preventing the signs of aging, appearing on the face, is the single most important factor that can give beauty freaks sleepless nights. Though there are many anti-aging creams and beauty products, available in the market,