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Updated by Joanna James on May 02, 2024
Headline for Dangerous Types of fish in Maldives you must avoid when diving – Snorkelling don'ts
Joanna James Joanna James
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Dangerous Types of fish in Maldives you must avoid when diving – Snorkelling don'ts

Snorkelling in Maldives can be fun, especially with the rich marine life within the warm waters of the Maldives Sea. However, here are a few fish to look out for who don't appreciate human company.


Sting ray

Sting ray

_Photo by Kdsphotos CC0 _

Stingrays are quite common in Maldives and are usually found around resorts, as most of them tend to feed them to attract a large number of tourists. Stingrays use their tail in self defence, which contains a poisonous venom. However, if you keep your distance from the eagles of the sea and don't attack them, swimming along with these beautiful creatures can truly be an amazing experience. Watch out for the tail though! The Maldives Travels has all that you need to know about the Maldives and where you can safely swim with these creatures.


Moray Eel

Moray Eel

Photo By Nhobgood (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0] or GFDL, via Wikimedia Commons

The Moray Eel is quite commonly found swimming around the warm waters of the Maldives. Easily identifiable by their razor sharp teeth and long spotted bodies, which usually grow to around 11 cms. Like most fish, the Moray eel will only attack if provoked, or if you look like food – however, this is because they're colour blind and their vision isn't quite 50-50. Moray eels are usually hiding inside hollowed out corals, so when you're snorkelling be careful where you step! During your holiday in Maldives, always remember to watch where you step, as stepping on any coral or marine life can be very harmful to the environment and to yourself.


Lion Fish

Lion Fish

Photo by Michael Gäbler CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Lion fish are quite rare to spot in the Maldives, however if you do, they are easily identifiable by its long pectoral fins which are characterized by usually red, white, creamy or black bands, and its venomous spiky fin rays. Lion fish are probably one of the most beautiful fish to spot while snorkelling and usually live in the lagoon or around the reef. The fish grows to about three to four inches in size and is very protective over its territory. If you approach this fish, it will most likely inject its venom in your body – all in self defence of course.


Sea Urchin

Sea Urchin

Photo by Gellinger via pixabay

Sea Urchins have prickly pikes that are razor sharp, where even the slightest touch would send a sheering pain through your body and pierce your skin. The experience can be painful, as they tend to disintegrate and break off before attempting to remove it. Although its quite hard to see them move, these living organisms move VERY slowly, and can either be found at the sea bed or just floating around. They come in a variety of colours, but don't forget to never touch these deadly beauties!


Trigger fish

Trigger fish

Photo by Arpingstone [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Although you wouldn't expect these colourful delights to bite, they do – simply to protect their territory, especially if there's a nest around. Don't venture too close to them, as unlike most fish, these ones are afraid of human company, and will not hestitate to attack. If you see them swim in a horizontal position, leave the area immediately, as this is their attack position and will gladly use their powerful teeth on you! However, do keep in mind, though these fish are instinctively defending their habitat, they're quite wonderful to observe as long as you don't disturb them.