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Updated by Rajashri Venkatesh on Mar 01, 2025
Headline for 10 amazing actors who went through extreme physical transformation for a movie!
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10 amazing actors who went through extreme physical transformation for a movie!

Loosing/gaining weight or change of looks is considered to be a part of the occupational field of Acting. Some actors however have shocked the audiences by showing their dedication towards a role through extreme transformation. Here is a list of such amazing actors who underwent great deal of changes to achieve the target role.

Jared Leto in ‘The Dallas Buyers Club’ in Drag

Photos from the New Orleans set of The Dallas Buyers Club feature Jared Leto working his best drag moves. With a fluffy brunette wig, fur jacket and pumps, (not to mention ’80s-inspired eyeliner), the dude looks like a foxy lady, not unlike Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler with his square jawline.

Tom Hanks Before and After Weight Loss - PK Baseline- How Celebs Get Skinny and Other Celebrity News

Hollywood actor Tom Hanks has said he will no longer take on roles that require him to lose or gain extreme amounts of weight, after revealing he has Type 2 diabetes. The Oscar-winning star, 57, admitted dramatic changes to his weight for film roles may have contributed to the diagnosis.

Charlize Theron

atching Charlize Theron as serial killer Aileen Wuornos in writer-director Patty Jenkins's drama, Monster, one finds oneself asking: how the hell did they make such a beautiful young woman so ugly?
One has to remind oneself that the woman before us, with her weatherbeaten face and Skid Row pallor, will next be seen in The Life and Death of Peter Sellers playing a young Britt Ekland. The extinguishing of Theron's beauty to produce a remarkable facsimile of a beaten-down freeway hooker must have kept squadrons of makeup artists busy and required some lengthy sessions in the Ugly Chair. This approach works, though: Theron vanishes before our eyes to become a woman beaten down to nothing by a life of rape, incest, teenage pregnancy and decades of homelessness and prostitution.

Matt McConaughey

Magic Mike star reveals how he dropped 38 pounds and talks about his dream meal once shooting is over on The Dallas Buyers' Club.

Jared Leto

Rather than opting for a fat suit, Jared Leto packed on a reported 60 pounds to play Mark David Chapman, John Lennon's killer, in Chapter 27. The extra weight, he's said, "changed the way that I walked, it changed the way that I talked, it changed the way I felt about myself and the way people looked at me and treated me." He used that same rationale when he decided to drop to a dangerously low 114 pounds for his Oscar-winning role as Rayon, a transsexual with AIDS, in Dallas Buyer's Club. "I stopped eating," he's said.

Chris Hemsworth

Chris Hemsworth transformed his body to a superhuman state to play the role of arrogant god Thor in a slew of successful films.
But the Australian actor is now sporting a much leaner physique as he takes on the part of a shipwrecked sailor in new drama, In The Heart Of The Sea.

Christian Bale

Nearly the brink of death, Christian Bale lost a little over 60 lbs to portray the emaciated Trevor Reznik in 'The Machinist.' Dining on only an apple and a can of tuna a day leading up to the beginning of production, Bale also curbed his appetite by relying on cigarettes. This intense actor even wanted to lose five more pounds, but medical professionals warned him against it. They told him he would probably die if his weight got down any lower.

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise has played many iconic roles over the course of his career - but ranking right up towards the top is his supporting turn as studio executive Les Grossman in Tropic Thunder. It's ridiculous, crude, and unlike anything we've seen from the movie star before - but what may surprise you is that the character was actually Cruise's idea to include.

50 Cent

Talented musician, producer and director Curtis James Jackson III, better known as the notorious 50 Cent, has truly shown his devotion for the arts and human endearment through the dramatic weight loss experienced in lure of a tribute role in the feature film “All Things Fall Apart”. In this sports drama our multitalented media superstar not only has written the screenplay but is also responsible for all funding, production and as is evident, he also plays the main role inspired by his late childhood friend, Charles Pringle, who lost the grave battle to cancer. 50 Cent began an extreme lifestyle change during the course of which he lost a frightening 54 pounds during the period of nine weeks.

Matt Damon

In a reverse DeNiro, Damon famously shed 40 pounds through strict diet and exercise to show the anguish of his character Specialist Ilario, a soldier traumatized by the effects of war, now addicted to heroin. While this role took a toll on Damon's health – he had to take medication for a year and a half afterward to correct the stress put on his adrenal gland – he considered it a great career move, as it allowed for him to show his commitment to acting. It paid off. Director Francis Ford Coppola was so impressed by Damon's Method acting that he offered him the lead role in 1997's The Rainmaker, considered to be a breakout role for the star.