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Updated by angeladelgado871 on Feb 21, 2017
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The Homework Debate

5 Reasons Young Students Should Not Be Assigned Homework

*Elementary through middle school students don't benefit from homework as much as high-school kids do. 25+ years of research has resulted in these reasons as to why students should not be assigned homework. *

A Texas teacher stopped assigning homework. The Internet gave her an A+.

*The internet loved the teacher that decided not to give daily homework to her students. This teacher did her research and decided that the research showed that homework wasn't being very beneficial to the students so she decided to cancel homework so young kids could spend their nights as kids and not be stuck doing homework every night. *

Kids Should Not Have Homework: 5 Arguments To Support Your Point

This article gives 5 reasons why students should not have so much homework. Getting quality family time and enough time outdoors, soaking in the sun is important for a student's health.

Ten Reasons to Get Rid of Homework (and Five Alternatives)

*This is an article that gives ten reasons to abolish homework but also gives some suggestions to what should be done in place of the homework, like having parents that can take their children out, to the park for example, and use it as a teaching moment because we learn new things in our everyday lives. *

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Although many people think of homework as doing more harm than good by causing copious amounts of unnecessary stress to everyone, others believe that it has great advantages for children by encouraging them to think more independently outside the classroom. Here are some pros and cons for the homework debate.

The following article explains why homework should not be obligatory in schools and colleges. Do not hesitate to read it if you have any doubts. In order to make your own decision on which the better method of education is, you need to consider every factor.

Do our kids have too much homework? | Parenting

Has your child shed tears over the amount of homework he has? Has he stayed up until 10 p.m. working on assignments? Have you sacrificed your weekends for homework? Many students and their parents are frazzled by the amount of homework being piled on in the schools. Yet researchers say that American students have just the right amount of homework.

Why You Should Give Out Less Homework

Some want to abolish homework completely but students still need the practice. Here are some reasons why homework can be given but way less of it should be assigned and also explains how to assign less homework for your students.

Student Homework: More or Less?

Some educators see homework as a way to beef up lagging test scores and improve grades. Other parents dislike the recent trend toward more homework, reluctant to stay up until midnight helping their children. They prefer to spend their time going to the park or reading some really good books with their children. Added to the opposition are those who say that homework increases the gap between the haves and the have-nots, since middle class families do better when it comes to helping children with homework. So, who is right? Is homework a menace or is it a Godsend? According to researchers the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

The Great Homework Debate: What's Getting Lost in the Hype - NEA Today

Homework is one of the most complicated pedagogical strategies, says expert, and the vast majority of educators are getting it right.

Should homework be banned?

This article shows the opinions of some students who think homework should or should not be banned.

Special Topic / The Case For and Against Homework

The following article presents the case for and against homework. Teachers shouldn't just completely abandon homework but improve the quality and amount so that students are not overwhelmed with it.

The Homework Debate

If you've ever had a late night argument with your child about completing homework, you probably know first-hand that homework can be a strain on families. In an effort to reduce that stress, a growing number of schools are banning homework.

The Great Homework Debate: Is Homework Helpful or Harmful to Students?

Find out if homework is harmful or helpful to reinforce learning, at which ages is it appropriate & how involved parents should be.

The great homework debate

Homework – do you love it or hate it? Parents, educators and early childhood experts seem to fall into two very distinct camps on the topic of homework. However you feel, homework is bound to be a part of your child’s school life.  

Do Kids Really Need Homework?

In this edition of "Assignment America," Steve Hartman meets a precocious 11-year-old in the 5th grade, Ben Berrafato, who eloquently compares homework assig...

Are We Doing Too Much Homework?

Homework can be a pain during your teenage years. Some teachers give too much, and others give too little. Laci and Trace did some research of their own to find out if doing homework actually helps the learning process.

Are Teachers Giving You Too Much Homework?

Is homework necessary, or is it just a waste of everyone's time? Read More: Special Topic / The Case For and Against Homework

Homework in America

Key findings from part two of the 2014 Brown Center Report on American Education illustrate that the average American student does not face an extraordinary homework burden, that the assignment load has not increased meaningfully over the past 20 years, and that parents are generally satisfied with the amount and quality of schoolwork assigned to their children.

Parents debate elementary school homework

As far as kindergartners go, 5-year-old Addrien is your typical elementary school student. He likes coloring. He likes math. And he even likes his homework. But ask parents in California's Coachella Valley what they think of the assignments their children bring home and the answers aren't always so positive.

Kids, Parents and Teachers Disagree on How Much Homework Is Too Much

Backpack bulging, worksheets galore, read this, study that . . . all after seven hours in school already. Kids, parents, and teachers all disagree on the amount of homework. How much is too much?

The Homework Debate

Sometimes parents want to help their children with homework but may not know the "right" way or newest way of doing it, which could be counterproductive to getting it done correctly. Why do teachers believe that homework is so important? Is it really important at all? Do teachers believe that whatever they teach is so extraordinary that students must continue to work on assignments at home as well as school? Or, are administrators making top-down decisions that homework must be a part of a student's nightly practice? Is homework being used to teach students time management techniques?

The Homework Debate: One Teacher's Perspective 

This article gives different arguments on the homework debate from a teacher that has compiled her evidence from a number of resources.

Homework debate questions workload on students

With school back in session, children are bound to be coming home with homework, but how much is too much?

Is Too Much Homework Bad for Kids?

How much is too much? Find out what the hosts had to say about homework taking away from family time, in this Girl Chat.