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Updated by DJ Rob on Jul 13, 2023
Headline for The Eleven Songs of Fleetwood Mac's 'Rumours' - In Order from Least to Best!
DJ Rob DJ Rob
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The Eleven Songs of Fleetwood Mac's 'Rumours' - In Order from Least to Best!

The landmark album 'Rumours' by Fleetwood Mac celebrated its 40th anniversary on February 4, 2017. To commemorate, djrobblog came up with a ranking of the album's eleven tunes, from worst to first...although "worst" is merely a relative term in this case, as there are no truly bad songs on 'Rumours.'

Check out the rankings below, and feel free to vote or comment, either under each song or in the comment section of my related blogpost.

As always, thanks for all the love and support of djrobblog!


11. Oh Daddy

Christine McVie reportedly was inspired to write this song by bandmember Mick Fleetwood and his on-off-on-again relationship with his wife, whom he had discovered was cheating on him. The term "Daddy" in this case was not meant to suggest that McVie herself had some kind of incestuous fetish for the band's leader; indeed Mick Fleetwood was affectionately known as "The Big Daddy" to all the band's members.

  • DJ Rob


    Hi, I'm DJ Rob, owner and author of the music blogsite I live in Chicago, IL and have been doing the blogsite since January 2015. It features articles about music news, history and trivia - both old and new. The features I enjoy doing the most are my djroblists. I've done dozens of lists ranking everything from blue-eyed soul singers to Prince's greatest songs. I only recently started converting them to listly to increase interaction with my readers. Take some time to enjoy them and let me know what you think! And check out when you can!

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