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Updated by Ivan Dimitrijevic on Jan 27, 2017
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3 Easy Tips on Maintaining Your Vehicle and Keeping It Safe

Some essential tips for car owners to help them remain safe on the road.



Owning a vehicle is something that all people look forward to; it greatly helps with traveling, as it increases your mobility. However, there are quite a lot of responsibilities regarding appropriate maintenance. Taking care of your vehicle will help it run much longer without any issues. But, more importantly, a fully functioning car will keep you and others safe.

Let’s take a look at some easy tips you could apply to ensure that your vehicle is well-maintained.


Regularly​ ​check​ ​the​ ​engine’s​ ​state

Regularly​ ​check​ ​the​ ​engine’s​ ​state

At the core of every vehicle is the engine. But, some of them manage to go for millions of miles whereas others break down only after one hundred thousand miles. It all depends on how well the engine was taken after. There are several things you should do if you want your car to reach a high number of miles without any serious problems.

Manufacturer’s manual – No matter if you are getting a new or a used car, make sure that you go over the owner’s manual. It is going to give you the exact details about when you should have the engine checked. Respecting this rule is going to increase the endurance of your engine over longer periods of time.

Regular oil changes – During these regular service visits, you are going to have your oil changed. But, if you are running a used car, it is a better choice to regularly check the oil levels. It is quite easy; simply use the dipstick that came with the vehicle and see what’s the state of your oil. A good idea is to check oil levels after every thousand miles, as older vehicles tend to use it more than newer ones.

Driving style – The way you drive your vehicle also determines how well your engine is going to perform over a longer period of time. Avoid sudden acceleration and keep your engine at a high number of revolutions. All these things greatly affect the engine and, the more you put it through stress, the more it is going to deteriorate, forcing you to buy a new vehicle, or undergo severe repair expenses.

Paying attention to these things is going to help you keep your engine in a good state for a longer period of time.


Work on ensuring that the tires and braking systems are in a good state

Work on ensuring that the tires and braking systems are in a good state

There are numerous occasions when making a sudden choice is required to avoid an accident. Usually, brakes and tires play an in important role in these situations. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to regularly check the state of your tires and your braking system. For every set, there is a specific number of miles after which you should have them checked, as braking pads and braking discs can deteriorate easily if you use them too much.

When it comes to changing braking pads, you can find out when should you go and have them checked. On the other hand, if a braking disk is thinner than 3mm, it is high time to contact your repairman.
Checking tires is easy, there are two things you should be worried about.

Tire pressure – Tracking pressure is going to keep you safe on the road and it will also positively affect your fuel economy.

Tire wear – Simply check your tires before and after every single season, to see how fast they are deteriorating and whether they are safe to drive. You can go to a professional to have them checked, or you can simply use the coin method to check their wear.

Regularly checking the state of your brakes and tires is going to always keep you safe on the road, so try not to forget to do it.


Check suspension condition

Check suspension condition

Many people tend to worry a lot about the above-mentioned parts, and forget about the suspension system. It plays a crucial role in keeping your car stable on the road, managing the traction of your wheels with the asphalt. A bad suspension can put you in a seriously endangering situation, so make sure that you regularly have it checked.

If you are thinking of getting a used car, it might be a good idea to get custom made performance suspension, as it are much more durable and will serve you for a longer period of time. With a used car, you are always taking a risk, as the state of its suspension is less than poor.

These are the most important things you should check to keep your vehicle safe for the road. Regularly have these parts checked, and the chances of facing high-repair costs are going to be greatly reduced. Remember to stay safe on the road and forget about your reckless body; not only is it bad for your vehicle, it is putting your life in great danger.

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