It won’t be wrong to say, ‘free stuff allures everyone’. When you don’t have to pay for something, you have this jovial feeling you can’t express, especially when you get something you really need. But there’s always a catch. Exchanging personal information with the companies can sometimes backfire. So, as much as you’re tempted by giveaways you should be cautious about sharing your confidential details (credit card no., email, phone no, residence etc) with a site. Unfortunately, some freebie websites are full of advertisements or spam their users, but this does not mean you should give up on your love for free items. This article will introduce you to the best freebie sites for securing everything for free (samples, coupons, discounts etc). Listed in no particular order, below are the top 12 freebie websites for 2017. I hope these renowned sites would help you in achieving your freebie dream!