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Updated by nlindemann on Dec 22, 2016
nlindemann nlindemann
8 items   3 followers   1 votes   63 views

Best survey tools

Which survey tool would you recommend most and why? I know there are more tools out there, so feel free to add your suggestions. Please do not advertise any tool. Limit yourself too it's biggest pro or who it stands out from the others and a drawback.


Survey Anyplace

Survey Anyplace

This tool has been around for a couple of years now, it has shown steady progress and it continues to evolve. It's not perfect, the learning curve at the start can be a bit steep, but it offers good support and has a lot of functionalities. They will do custom work for a reasonable price.

Free plan available - Survey Anyplace


Survey Monkey

Survey Monkey

Probably the behemoth of this list and biggest player in the industry. A large worldwide company, but as often happens a bit sluggish and take it or leave it attitude. You either like it or you don't. A little bit stagnant the last few years when it comes to new features and no custom work.

Free plans available - Survey Monkey


Survey Gizmo

Survey Gizmo

SurveyGizmo is a powerhouse survey creator that provides you with a complete set of survey design tools and features. But you have to pay a bit more to use them.

Free plan available - SurveyGizmo




This software is easy to learn how to use. This might also be it's biggest flaw, because it might just be a bit too limited for some.

Free plan available - Typeform




QuestionPro is a well-designed package for small business owners. It offers skip-page logic and offline data collection. Survey design and customization is not as detailed as other services we reviewed.

Free plan available - Questionpro




This tool helps you create superb interactive, mobile surveys with visual elements, but it has weak reporting analysis features.

No free plan, but free trial available - GetFeedback




Zoho survey software offers many easy-to-use features for creating online surveys and once the system is set up, it is extremely efficient, but the setup is complicated. You need someone well-versed in the system to create the programming specific to your company. So this might not be for everyone.

Free plan available - Zoho




This tool is user-friendly, but despite it's claims, it's not free. You can create a survey for free, that part is true, but once you start collecting data, you have to pay to get that data. This might be a bit misleading.

Free to create a survey, but NOT to get the results - Survio