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Updated by acpaulette on Jun 29, 2022
acpaulette acpaulette
17 items   3 followers   2 votes   405 views

Best School Library Blogs

Library and/or education blogs recommended by LMNet users

To learn more about our photo booth or photo booth props, check out these posts:

Teen Librarian Toolbox (TLT) is a professional development website for teen librarians, created by Karen Jensen and collecting the experience of four MLS librarians and over 50 collective years of library work.

Librarians on the Fly

Former working partners who have faced the storm of adversity and flown to find new homes. Ann is now the Director of Instructional Technology with McAllen ISD and Cindy is the Head Librarian at an International School in Germany. We love connecting kids with books and incorporating 21st century tools into lessons. Follow our blog and we will teach you on the fly...

The True Adventures of a High School Librarian

Nikki is a veteran educator, librarian and Instructional Technology Facilitator for James Clemens High School.

She is passionate about 1:1 Digital Initiatives, collaboration with other education professionals, and assisting students in becoming well informed, critically thinking digital citizens.

500 Hats

In the southern hemisphere long summer holidays are on the horizon while in the northern hemisphere winter is closing in and long nights spent indoors are looming.  Both offer great opportunities for encouraging our students to read, read, read. 

Heart of the School

It’s finally here!  Helen Smith, the school librarian at Eckington School compiles a list of Christmas TV shows and films which are based on books, and sends it out every year to librarians.  She always allows me to publish it here, and it is always my most popular post.  Enjoy it everyone!

K-12 School Libraries

Articles of interest to K-12 school librarians including new technology, social media, curation, research, apps for learning, and more!

Lisa Nielsen: The Innovative Educator

A blog to share ideas about innovative, real, and relevant learning.

How Does Social Media Slang Affect Learning?

Edudemic covers the latest research, news, and resources for educators.

Readers Be Advised

From Your Friendly Librarian

Atomic Learning Blogs

Student engagement is always on the minds of educators, and, while it can feel overwhelming with all the moving parts—student retention, test scores, and more—you must start somewhere!

Teacher Librarian Bloggers (and other blogging friends)

Bloggers who are, and who interest, teacher librarians. Please suggest blogs that I have missed or ask to collaborate! | See more about Librarians, School librarian and School libraries.