Listly by Nitin Khanna
This is a list of apps and services that I'm testing out. I'll keep added things here and the ones that I start using more regularly will go to my other list - "Apps and services I'm using right now"
Syte! is a new, open-source personal site developed by web developer Rodrigo Neri. He built it to make it easier for others to create their own website and integrate it with a blog and other great services like tumblr, twitter, github, dribbble and instagram. All you need to do is download the code and modify it according to your needs. To see an example of the site, just look at Neri's site itself. It is using the Syte! template. I'm thinking of using it for my other website - NiKhCo
Shortwave responds to commands. A command consists of a predefined trigger plus optional search terms. To search Wikipedia for “bookmarklet” you would type w bookmarklet into the prompt and hit enter. You could also select the text before invoking Shortwave and just type w then hit enter. Some commands don’t require search terms. To see your current IP address you would type ip. To open the resulting page in a new window simply prefix your entire command with a space.
Fever takes the temperature of your slice of the web and shows you what's hot.
Downside - costs money, needs your own server is the best way to discover, read and share great stories that have the power to convey ideas, provoke emotions or change your entire life. It's all about stories truly worth reading.
Flattr is a social micropayments system enabling you to easily share money to support things you like and to get support from your fans.
Roots is a starting WordPress theme made for developers that's based on HTML5 Boilerplate & Bootstrap from Twitter.
feat /fēt/ noun. An act of skill, endurance, imagination, or strength; an achievement.
Tomboy is a desktop note-taking application for Linux, Unix, Windows, and Mac OS X.
Simple and easy to use, but with potential to help you organize the ideas
and information you deal with every day.
BlindSide is an audio adventure game, set in a fully-immersive 3d world you’ll never see. Put on headphones, hold your iPhone, and face the direction you want to go. Listen as the world rotates around you and explore the darkness.
Advanced collaborative online whiteboard. Works on all browsers including Android, iPhone and iPad - no plugins required.
Statigram is a great web viewer for your Instagram photos. Join Statigram for terrific statistics about your account and tools to manage your community.
Tweet&Get it! is seriously recommended to share content such as :Music, Ebooks, Photos, Wallpapers, Promotional Codes, Coupons, Typography, CMS Themes, Videos, Software, Tutorials, Web Ressources, Icons, PSD Brushes … .