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Updated by fiona on Dec 05, 2016
fiona fiona
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#80 Useful Microsoft in Education posts this week

See inside the school Bill Gates thinks could be the future of learning

Personalized education is one of Bill Gates' favorite styles of instruction, and one charter school in Seattle reveals why.

Why Should We Teach Programming?

Are you on the fence on whether or not you should teach computer programming to your students? Here are 10 great reasons why you should teach coding!

Under the Sway of literature

Sharing creativity with 3 rd graders 'I soon found myself surrounded by a swarm of kids buzzing happil...

An Accidental Mystery Skype

Skypeathon was November 29th and 30th this year. I signed our school up on Microsoft in Education's website and began sending out tweets to find schools to partner with for  Mystery Skype sessions....

Badges and points - Microsoft in Education

Badges are a great way to find experienced educators in the community and showcase your expertise with educators around the globe. You can earn points for each course successfully completed and for a variety of other activities as well. Find out how to earn points and see the different badges below

Our First Skype Session With South Africa!

A school library blog about library collaborations, new technology, and student voice. We share about how we are working with our learning community.

Students Take The Lead With Minecraft

A school library blog about library collaborations, new technology, and student voice. We share about how we are working with our learning community.

24 Hour of Code Resources for Teachers and Schools - Class Tech Tips

Does your school participate in the Hour of Code? Here are a handful of my favorite resources for computer science and coding.

Microsoft Digital Citizenship Toolkit for Educators

Learn about the FREE Digital Citizenship Toolkit and Course built for educators by educators. The toolkit contains lesson plans and resources a classroom tea...

QuickStarter, audio and new styles in Sway - Office Blogs

Last week, we announced the launch of QuickStarter, a new intelligent service that lets you go from the blank Sway canvas to a great, working outline in seconds. —Read on to learn more about QuickStarter and other new features for Sway.