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Updated by mcrutcher17 on Jan 31, 2022
Headline for The Assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand
mcrutcher17 mcrutcher17
6 items   1 followers   1 votes   195 views

The Assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand

This will give links to information as to why the Archduke was killed and who had a hand in the Archduke's death.


First World - A multimedia history of world war one

This gives the history of the person who assassinated the Archduke and his wife.

Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated - Jun 28, 1914 -

this is a good link to look at for a summary of the event on June 28 1914.
This map shows the Austro-Hungarian Empire as of 1913.

Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, 1914

Eye witness account of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria.
This link has a perpective of one of the Archduke's Bodyguards that was there the day this happened.


Focusing on the Balkans
The Purpose of the Murder Itself
Serbian Blame: The Assassins
Serbian Blame: The Black Hand
Serbian Blame: Pasic and the State
Blame in Austria-Hungary
The Serb Reply
Why a Balkan War?

Black Hand | secret Serbian society

Secret Serbian society of the early 20th century that used terrorist methods to promote the liberation of Serbs outside Serbia from Habsburg or Ottoman rule and was instrumental...

The Black Hand

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