Listly by pierguido-iezzi
Live your pet friendly Life. the Dog Social Network
Vivi un mondo pet friendly. Cerca i pet sitter, i ristoranti e hotel cani ammessi, Contatta gratis i veterinari e gli educatori per un supporto
Nomi per Cani: 1.000 idee per la scelta del nome del cane. E' arrivato il tuo cucciolo in famiglia!. Suggerimenti e consigli per scegliere il nome
Nomi per cani femmine: idee e suggerimenti per la scelta dei nomi femminili per cani. Una lista di nomi per scegliere il nome più adatto
American Foxhound, un cane allegro, vivace, intelligente che ama vivere in famiglia, e va d’accordo con i bambini, attento cacciatore e fedele compagno.
Adottiamo a distanza un peloso grazie a Dona un Pasto con un Click Questo settimana tocca a Ziggy, ospite dell'associazione italiana La Casa di Axel.
Prohiben las peleas de perros en Mexico! una nueva ley de proteccion animal regulará un trato digno y respetuoso que deberá darse a los animales
Esta fin de semana se se reunieron unos tres mil ejemplares de perros salchicha en el raduno internacional de perros en Cordoba! Un lindo dia de fiesta!
Since November 17, dogs and cats and other animals can travel in the Buenos Aires subway without any additional cost! A big step forward Argentina.
Separation anxiety is a distress behavior triggered when a family leaves the dog alone in the house. Proper house training will help the dog cope with it.
Dog grooming must be done on a pet to keep her pretty and stylish. The best doggy style for your pet is the one that will make her comfortable and lavishing
Taking your pet for a dog walk is important for its proper development. Diversifying the scenery is important as it helps keep him active.
Hundreds of dogs and dog lovers joined Walnut the whippet on his final walk. The 18-year old pup was put to sleep by his owner due to deteriorating health.
Playing with your dog is vital to the itss proper development. Plan playing activities with your dog and enjoy all the benefits involved.
To make your dog look stylish, follow these simple dog fashion tips and make your pet stay glamorous. Help your friend stay nice and up to the season.
Milk is a meal that may or may not be good for dogs. A great number of them are lactose intolerant, so its effect makes milk a not-so-appropriate option.